Write! :)

Welcome to write. Here there are stories started and you can read them and make suggestion to what you think should happen next. The stories all have a Titanic theme. The people in them don't have to travel on the Titanic, just be affected by it in some way. Take a look at the stories we have now. If you have a suggestion for a story send you suggestions to Prayer13@hotmail.com Please include your name, e-mail address, date you read the story, which story and your suggestion. If your suggestion is picked, your name and e-mail address will be added to the bottom of the story along with what your suggestion was.

If you want to start your own story, write me as well at Prayer13@hotmail.com Then I can tell you if we have room to add another story.

Well making suggestions, please stay away from Titanic '97, (rose and jack story) Try to use as many real characters as possible and remember any thing can happen on the ship of dreams.

Storys in work, to read only

Rebecca Smith

This story started on a roleplay and because I kept all the e-mails it now makes a nice story, but the story is not done, read what I have now and come back later to see what is going to happen to Rebecca Smith

Currently running stories:

First class, Miss Young

A young 18-year-old is almost home after traveling for awhile by herself. One more stop and then to Titanic. Things seem to start going wrong when her Grandmother aquires an escort for the rest of her trip home.

Needed: A first name,

Second Class, No name

She bought a third class ticket with her three friends. Two dropped out because they lost their new jobs in America, the other got a job as a nanny in First class. This young lady manages to earn enough money to ride Second class. Everything seems to be going her way until a conversation with a good friend almost makes her change her mind.

Needed: A name, first and last,

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