Welcome to the Keepers of Titanic Page. I was introduced to Keepers through a list I joined. There seemed to be a problem with the Keepers thought, no one know what other people had. So I came up with this solution. A Keepers web page. This has worked great. Now I am offering everyone who has a mailing list or a web page, to have Keepers. First though I think I should answer some questions.

What are Keepers?

Keepers are items from the Titanic movies, or the real ship that you want to keep. They can be things like tea cups to scenes or people. You get to keep the item, and no one else can have it. (more on this later)

What Can I do with my Keepers?

What to do with the keepers, well, you can trade them or keep them, something like trading cards. You can co-own things as well. For example, you find that someone on a list al ready has an item you would like, you can then write then and ask if you could co-own the item, then on both of your lists there would be the item followed by a co.

Trading Keepers, say you would like an item, then simply write the person who has the item and see if you can trade something for that item.

Any Thing else?

When your name and list is added to the keepers, you can put up pictures of one or two of your items. This is done by sending me the picture, I'll make it the right size and put it beside you list. You can also change the look of your list, link you web page from your list. Be creative.

I own a list and would like to have keepers just for my list.

I can create keepers for just your list. Yes, by writing me, you can ask to have a keepers list. Right now they would come here, click on the list address and go to their own keepers area. I hope to password the lists keepers to keep outsider out, but I am still working on that.

I would like Keepers on my web page

This will be similar to the lists, but keepers will be linked to your page. I will create and run the forms from here and all you have to do is link the page address I give you.

I have a keepers page attached to my web page/list what can I do with it?

Anything, if you want a back ground or pictures, or any thing, (I have the right to remove pictures that or content that I think is unnecessary, there are younger children who come here) The only requirement will be a area at the bottom, that reads: This service has been provided by Rebecca, if you would like a similar pages come here, If you would like to see other pages I have done, come here. Then below that: This page has been html by rbah

I don't have a web page or list, but I would like to keep something

I have included with this section, my own Keeper list, You can go there and fill out the form, which will add you to the list. Come back and see what others have decided to keep as well.

Please feel free to look around, and see what has been done. Please don't fill in the form if you don't belong to the list. You can thought join this web's Keepers list. NOTE: The keeper list will be updated daily depending on the amount of forms, I receive. I am not responsible for lost forms, mis-spelled words, doubles in the keepers, you must fix that your self by writing me.


Keepers for cqd2@listbox.com

Keepers for this web page

Contact me by writing to prayer13@hotmail.com

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