Hello and thank you for visiting our home page.

This is a work in progress with frequent updates so check in with us again from time to time to see what's new. Please sign our guest book so we'll know you were here - include your e-mail address and let us know if you have a home page, too. We tru y appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism you can give us because we're still learning this stuff!

Bad Bunny - 12/02/00 16:39:28
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Sasha - 08/17/99 19:42:00
My Email:apple_007@dfw.com
Все отлично! С каждым днем все лучше и лучше сайт! Удачи!

CAPT (S) Ron Hecox - 08/01/99 17:13:16
My Email:rehecox@comuserve.com
Jackie you have done a great job on the home page. Really enjoyed visiting with you and your family. Sorry to see you leave the Navy Reserve, but you have obviously done very well!!! I am so glad to see the happiness you and Ray are sharing. Your cert inly deserve all the best and I am glad you have found it in Ray and Zachery. Best Wishes to you and your beautiful family. -- Ron

Ruth McIrvin - 04/15/99 01:57:23
My Email:ruthmci@aol.com
Hi, Jackie. I checked out the web page (obviously). It's very professional and the pictures are fabulous! More detail in email to follow.

Westbrook - 04/02/99 03:17:56
My Email:wbrook@gateway.net
Jackie & Ray - What a lovely family! And what a great page you have, you all obviously worked hard on it. Take care - The Westbrook's

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 09:51:24

Hallo. Ich mag Ihr homepage. Es ist interessant. Wie lang sind Sie auf dem Internet gewesen? Sowieso gehe ich aus, mehr Netzseiten zu surfenen. Gutes GlЭck!.

Bob Shelton - 03/17/99 04:18:55
My Email:shelton@afo.net
Great personal web site. God Bless you.

Gay Dittrich - 03/16/99 04:20:58
My Email:gdittric@juno.com
what a great way to keep your friends and family up to date with baby news and pics! I like the music too.

Dana and Mark - 01/18/99 04:04:05
My Email:mckool@cyberramp.net
Hey Jackie,Ray and Zachary! What a fun page!! Zachary is the cutiest little guy. The pictures show up in great color. We look forward to seeing more updates. Can you teach us how to do this? D&M

The Wise Family - 01/17/99 04:56:55
My Email:rngqrtr@eaze.net
Hi Guys! Your pages are awesome!! We loved the pics of Zach. It's a beautiful website. Michael and Kayla loved Uncle Ray's airplanes, too!!!

ron - 01/15/99 13:46:28
My Email:roncbailey@yahoo.com
Hey Shroeders. Just stopped by real quick to take a look. Have a good day. ron

Terry Janzen - 01/15/99 03:36:16
My Email:tjanzen@cyberramp.net
Great job on the web page, Jackie! I love the way you have displayed the photos of Zachary. Keep in touch!

KIM DIMMEN - 01/13/99 05:39:03
My Email:kimmy@iolusa.com

Mack Rogers - 10/23/98 22:39:03

David Pope - 10/22/98 17:43:31
My URL:/colosseum/bench/8947
My Email:jdpope@swbell.net
Welcome to the Geocities Neighborhood you've done a great job with your site. You have a handsom little bundle a joy there. Just so you know i found this site by the proud grandfather skip.

Mike and Kathy Norton - 10/22/98 02:10:12
My Email:skunkdrvr@aol.com
Looks great, guys ! See you at work, Ray.

Mom and Dad Steczo - 10/22/98 00:11:01
My Email:dsteczo@integrityonline9.com
Don't want to write too much. I want to go see Zachary. You guys are terrific! Love you all!

Stephen Driscoll - 10/21/98 22:06:51
My URL:http://pobox.com/~stephen.driscoll
My Email:stephen.driscoll@pobox.com
Hi Schroeders! Nice page. I'll be watching for developments. Poka Stephen

Sam McMahan - 10/21/98 13:19:15
My Email:smc547@airmail.net
Hello Jackie, I must say, I am really impressed. I have been taking a PhotoShop class at school and it has given me an interest in starting my own WEB Page. There is a whole lot to learn and i'm a little slow, but hopefully, one day I can get this stuff right. You done good!! I will be checking it out from time to time. (I'm also a little jealous.)

Pat and Char - 10/21/98 03:45:28
My Email:pjcs@ntws.net
Your site is great and your baby is precious. We enjoyed our visit -- thanks to Skip for letting us know about it. PnC

silvano gomez - 10/21/98 01:10:30
Nice site!

Phil - 10/20/98 21:45:21
My Email:MrSk8r@yahoo.com
Cool page. I'm jealous! I want one! Actually, I have one but haven't done anything wiff it. Hey, for all you nozy people reading this, I'm the guy to Ray's right in the alter shot.

SuperSkip - 10/20/98 11:53:31
My Email:suprskip1@aol.com
I like. Maybe now I'll get consistent updates/photos on Scooter!

Jackie - 10/19/98 21:47:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/7009
My Email:Schroeders@writeme.com
Well, I'll be! This guestbook actually works! Please feel free to give us your honest opinion. We're still learning html and need all the help we can get. Thanks in advance!

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