Welcome to the Guangxi Adoptive Families HomePage!!!

Last updated 30 April, 2000

We welcome input from anyone! Basically, we hope to have photos of children from Guangxi (Mothers Love, Nanning, Guilin, Wuzhou, Liuzhou etc.), along with a few links to Guangxi.

To email a photo of your child (preferably in .jpg or .gif format) for inclusion on the page,send them to Kim: breuer@prodigy.net. For suggestions or if you have comments, contact either Kim, OR Alicia, aaldridge@flash.net.

We look forward to hearing from you.

City/Orphanage Pages

a ladybugMothers Love

a ladybugNanning State

a ladybugGuilin

a ladybugLiuzhou

a ladybugWuzhou

a ladybugBehai


a ladybugWhat's New!!

a ladybugGuangxi Links

a ladybugFamily Links

This China Adoption Ring site
is owned by Guangxi Families Homepage.

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Kim, to email photos or for a suggestion

a ladybugAlicia, for suggestions or info on the Nanning families list

a ladybugPatty, for info on special projects for Nanning--please note, Patty has nothing to do with the Nanning families list!!

Ladybug graphics courtesy of Becky's Garden of Graphics

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