In December 1996, my dad had a stroke with an anueryism to the left side of the brain and his Neurosurgeon didn't expect him to live. He said that if he did live... he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life!
I'll never forget the fear that I felt when this tragedy took place. You see, I've always believed in G_D, but with that prognosis... I dont know if I trusted HIM enough for such a Big favor! I was "Much Afraid", and all that I really had to offer G_D in prayer was my fear!
That fear brings to remembrance a book that I read a few years back called "Hinds Feet On High Places". The author of the book is Hannah Hurnard. I actually felt like one of the characters in the book, her name was(Much Afraid). If ever you get the chance to read that book, please do, because it's very heart warming!
Anyways, Dad's doctor put him in a nursing home... and I was bound and determined that I was going to take him home as soon as possible! One thing was for certain, I was not going to give up on my love for him! I visited him daily and he only spent 5 weeks in the Nursing Home.
I'm glad that G_D was full of Loving Kindness towards me and Daddy, because I was given the opportunity to know him, not only as my Dad... but also as a friend!
Alway's remember, Even when we are un-certain of our needs being met; HE knows our hearts and is more than willing to supply our needs!