
Categories of links on this page are organized alphabetically for ease of use. Each category name will take you to a new page where the actual web page links are.

Agencies, Commissions, and Groups

This page provides links to different groups that can help you in your research. Some groups charge for their help and some do not but fees usually aren't too high.


All links here relate to heraldry. Much of this information is more interesting than useful but I would recommend reading it all the same because you never know if it could have a major impact on your investigation. Furthermore, if you trace your family back to their country of origin and would like to receive arms in that person's memory (most countries will let you do this) it would be good to know at least the basics about heraldry.

Other Sites

This page features more links to other sites that collect links dealing with genealogy. So many thousands of links combined that there are bound to be at least a couple for everybody.


Everything on this page will deal with one or more aspects of research and how to be a better researcher. If you are a beginning genealogist read one or two of these articles before continuing on, they are very beneficial.

The South

Here the Genealogy Center presents a section covering Dixie. The South is, hands down, th emost interesting genealogical area of the United States. Nowhere does the New World so resemble the Old. So enjoy, maybe you'll learn something new about the Land of Cotton.

The British Empire

This page will have links dealing with all pertinent topics in the United Kingdom. Things such as the history of the royal family to the manuscript commissions in charge of ships records. If you need information on the Scots, the Irish, or the Celts, you can find it here.

United States

This page will have links dealing with researching within the U.S. and researching from the U.S. topics abroad.

Surname Pages