"Wolves have had a terrible history, with humans either killing them for sport, out of hatred or because of environmental changes. This web page promotes the protection of wolves, the rehabilitation of wolves into the nature and tries to teach humans that wolves are not the evil creatures that the fairy tales set them out to be." - The Ring of the Wolf
Wolves are social creatures, intelligent, communicative,
wild, gentle, playful, capable of great strength, fiercely loyal, territorial,
and beautiful. Over the years wolves have received a "bad rap".
They are not the "cold blooded killers" that we have been lead to believe
(there has never been a documented case of a healthy wolf killing a human).
Still we fear them. Wolf hybrids have also received a bad rap.
It is not the wolf hybrid that is at fault, it is the human that raised
the animal. I just want to tell everyone the truth about wolves...
The Wolf Dog is a unique animal and is not suited for everyone. If you
have arrived here because you are looking or thinking about getting a wolf
hybrid, then I suggest you visit my Wolf
Links page which contains links to
some very informative Wolf Hybrid
Web Sites. These animals need special care, training, and
living facilities, thus they need special owners.
If you have arrived here because you are looking for wolf information then
I suggest you visit my Wolf
Links page for links to Wolf
Related Web Sites.
If you are looking for
then visit the page and my
Wolf Pics
If you are looking for , then visit my Sounds
Wolf Pics - Wolf pictures, some I have scanned and some I have found on the Web.
Wolf Links - Links to cool Wolf and Wolf Dog sites on the Web.
Wolf Sound
Files - Really cool wolf howls in .wav files.
Art Gallery
- Original art work.