The following pages have been done with a great deal
of love and devotion to our Lord and Savior and my love for
Southern Gospel music. The name Southern Gospel was given to this type of music by James Vaughn in 1910. The music began with an all-male quartet doing four part harmony. The singers learned to read music using Shaped-Notes. What we know as traditional songs (hymns) was the chosen music. We have had some great songwriters and singers over the years. The music came to national recognition with the help of V.O. Stamps, who formed the first Stamps Quartet . In later years, along with his brother Frank Stamps the Stamps Singing School of Music was formed and was located in Dallas, TX. After his death in 1940 his brother Frank continued on with the Stamps Quartet and the school until his death in 1965. J.R. Baxter, Jr. eventually partnered with Frank and the school was called The Stamps-Baxter School of Music. There are many famous alumni of this school. In 1964 J.D. Sumner bought the school and the Stamps Quartet and they continue singing to this day. It was known as J.D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet until J.D.'s death on November 16, 1998. After J.D.'s death his daughter retired the name of Stamps and the quartet is known today as Ed Enoch & Golden Covenant. The Stamps-Baxter School of Music is now located in Nashville, TN and is owned by Ben Speer of the famous Speer Family. The music tells about the love of God, Salvation, Heaven and the blessed sacrifice on the cross of Jesus Christ who died so that we could be set free of our sins and gain eternal life.

Some of the pioneer songwriters are: Albert E.
Brumley, Virgil O. Stamps, J.R. Baxter, Jr, Ira Stanphill, G.T.
Speer, Luther G. Presley, Thomas A. Dorsey, Cleavant Derricks,
Mosie Lister, Rusty Goodman and J.D. Sumner to name a few. In
later years some of the songwriters are William and Gloria
Gaither, Jim Hill, Howard Goodman, Kirk Talley, Phil Cross, Donnie Sumner and
many others. Many of these songwriters are singers as well and
have been or still are members of some of the most famous groups.

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