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by Danielle Duval LeMyre


The Catalorgne family originates in the Bearn.

There was a Jean de Catalorgne who accompanied Louis IX in Egypt and was there when Damiette was taken, distinguishing himself for his courage. It is in memory of his actions in this campaign that the Crescent was added in the family armory :
"D'or, au chevron de gueules,accompagne au chef d'un croissant, et d'une etoile de meme; ... orne de tous ses lambrequins"

On August 11 1690 Marie-Anne Lemire married Gedeon de Catalorgne and they had 14 children.

One of the 46 Grand-children of Nicholas Marsolet and Marie LeBarbier, Marie-Anne Lemire was the sixth daughter of Jean Lemire and Louise Marsolet. She was baptised May 26 1669 and she had for GodMother Marie-Anne de Lauzon, daughter of the Grand Senechal, who was standing in for Madame de la Peltrie.

Her husband Gedeon de Catalorgne, born in 1662 in Bresse, Bearn, left France in 1685 after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

He was an Ingeneer and an Architect. After its fire on February 24 1695, Mr de Collines put him in charge of the repairs of the Hotel-Dieu. (as recorded in the Life of Jeanne Mance). He drew several maps and documents including

"Recueuil de ce qui s'est passe en Canada au sujet de la guerre, tant des Anglais que des Iroquois depuis 1682".

He started the work on the Canal Lachine, as hired by the MM. de St-Sulpice. In 1714 he was the Overseer for La Redoute at Cap au Diamant and at Chateau St-Louis. Later on he helped with the work at the Louisbourg fortifications (Ile Royale) where he died on January 5 1729.
Gedeon de Catalorgne & Marie-Anne Lemire had 14 children. One son and five daughters had descendants;
Their son, Joseph de Catalorgne (b.1694) married in 1733 Charlotte Renaud du Buisson, daughter of Charles Renaud, sieur du Buisson.
He received the Cross of Chevalier St-Louis and wrote a treatise on the properties of the magnetic needle (compass) after which he was given a seat at the Academie des Sciences in Paris. He died in Louisbourg in 1735.

Louis-Charles-Francois-Gedeon, son of Joseph and Charlotte, married a second cousin, Marie-Louise Guyon des Pres, great-grand-child of Francois and Madeleine Marsolet, daughter of Jacques Guyon and Marie-Anne Lemire, who was herself daughter of Jean Lemire II, son of Jean Lemire and Louise Marsolet.

Louis-Charles-Francois-Gedeon de Catalorgne had fought at the 1759 Quebec battle and in 1765, unwilling to swear allegiance to the English King, he chose to leave the country with his family to go to St-Domingue (Haiti) where he died in 1781 and was interred in the church.

Louis-Charles-Francois-Gedeon de Catalorgne and Marie-Louise Guyon des Pres had a son Charles-Gedeon, who married in St-Domingue Mademoiselle Gallet de St-Aubin.

Their son Auguste-Francois-Marie-Gedeon de Catalorgne was lieutenant of bataillons and member of the Conseil Colonial and was buried in Madison, New-Jersey. He married Marie-Louise Josephine de Carbonnel. She was a little-niece of the Abbe de l'Epee.

On November 16th 1852, Gedeon-Auguste, born in St-Pierre de la Martinique on July 8th 1824, son of Auguste-Francois-Marie-Gedeon and Marie-Louise Josephine de Carbonnel, was married to Marie-Louise Hylaris Tibierge, daughter of the nobleman Hyppolite Tibierge who was the great-nephew of the famous Abbe Tibierge, baron d'Andre, well-known during the reign of Louis XIV and who was mentionned in the letters of Madame de Maintenon. Gedeon-Auguste was Notary and Lawyer in St-Pierre de la Martinique.

His brother, Jules-Charles de Catalorgne, Editor-Owner of the newspaper "Les Antilles", married Georgianna Despointes and they had a son Paul-Louis-Gedeon, seventh descendant of the lesser branch, who inherited the family property.

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Danielle - Celebrations 2000

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Danielle et Olga Obry LeMyre (1916-2006)
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