Hello my name is Kim and this is my story about helping to find my Husband's birth family. Well it all started when I married my Wonderful Husband in 1984. Billy told me he was adopted and always wondered about his birth family. He was told, from the time he was old enough to realize, that he was adopted. My husbands interest was really peaked after the birth of our first child..I felt it was his decision when the time was right to start looking for his family.. I always sensed that he felt something missing in his life..He never said much but when you love someone as much as I love him ,, you just feel it in their spirit......I never pressured him about it. I wanted to make sure it was his decision about finding them. So we looked in phone books. That was before we had a computer. Wow there sure are alot of Perry's in the phone book. So we put it to rest for a while then our second child came and his interest was peaked again. See our children were both preemies.(but thats another story) So finally in 1993 we bought our first computer. We were in Japan at the time and a friend of ours gave us a CD phone book USA. Well we search and narrowed down a few. But that was getting to exspensive so we decided to wait until we returned to the US. Well we returned to the US in Jan 97 and got online. I was new at the computer stuff so I just surfed around AOL and found a section on Adoption in the Family channel of AOL. (At that time I had a slow modem so it was hard for me to get on the web.) Well we upgraded our modem and I was off and searching. I spent hours searching post from differnt pages. Also posting on different sites. (You will find links to sites on my second page.)Then the day finally came an Email from KHobbs in Texas. She said she was looking through the posts on TXCARE and she saw my post and she said that a Larry Perry lived in her town and she would check to see if it was our Larry. Well in our excitement I put down the wrong year on his date of birth. So My husband and I waited in eager anticipation for another email from her. I can't really remember how many days went by. But it finally came saying it was indeed our Larry and he was waiting for our call and that he knew where everyone else was. Well it was time for the big moment. My husband must have picked up the phone numerous times to call. Finally after about 3 hrs. of almost calling he finally did it. We must have spent 3 or more hrs on the phone that night talking to everyone. He has 6 brothers and 2 sisters. Wow after being an only child growing up finally talking to your brothers and sisters he was (I can't even put it into words) all I know is that I saw that empty spot that was there for the 17 years that I have known him was gone. He couldn't even sleep. The next day bright and early we received a call from his brother Robert. He was also so excited he couldn't sleep. We FINALLY met the family in Jun of this year and it was the most Wonderful time in the World. We are now waiting until I get out of the military to go and live in TEXAS with Billy's Family. So I would like to say if you are searching for lost family members keep on trucking. Finally an update! In 2001 we pack up our stuff and moved down here to Texas. It has been three years and it is wonderful. The girls fit right in to school here. They are doing very well. Check out the picture page new picture will be posted soon.
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