Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bob Scott, the older - 11/01/00 05:11:23

This web page is neat. Now if we can find time to update it. That is another trick, I know. But still I think it is set up neatly and has great potential.

CRISTINE!!! - 09/10/00 15:42:27
My Email:csharp73@aol.com

Hey Mrs. H I love the site, I should try to make one sometime for myself, Im sure it would be pretty entertaining.heh. I miss ya! James! How you doin eh? take it eaaasy:) ~

Bob - 09/08/00 03:40:45
My Email:rreible@dl.tccd.net


christine - 08/18/00 09:20:58
My Email:gweee64@aol.com

Dotty, you never cease to inspire me!! I'm going to build my own website. Keep it up; before long, with your help, I'll be a thin and gorgeous computer geek!! LOL Christine 8*)

ken whitehead - 04/14/00 05:19:33
My Email:ferret@netins.net

I need advice as to how to repair the damage done by my Lab/Chessie Retriver in my back yard. I'd kill him, but he's a great hunter. So, my alternative is to fix the yard. All I have problems with are the bare, I assume urine spots. Where he poops the grass is great. I've had an Earl May gal and she came out here too, and said that mucho chemicals be laid.I need an alternative, please. I eagerly await your advice.

Jo Stanford - 03/26/00 14:53:21
My Email:JoMax494@aol.com


Brenda Holloway - 03/22/00 01:57:40
My Email:band@dellnet.com


Cathy Lopez - 03/21/00 05:25:49
My Email:wiz_oz@hotmail.com

Hey Cuz! See ya soon.

Mary Scott - 03/20/00 16:18:32
My Email:mrscotts@flash.net

Page is looking good. I couldn't access the maps and hotel info for the party.

Mary Beth Lampe - 03/18/00 03:53:24
My Email:mblampe@tccd.net

Nice web page!

Pamala Dalrymple - 02/17/00 17:10:38
My Email:pjdnd@hawkpci.net

Great to (finally) catch up with you!! PJ

Elaine Hakanson - 02/16/00 21:57:38
My Email:foxinternet.net

Hi Matt: Just wanted to let you know I had visited your site (actually I was here yesterday too but did not sign in at that time as I was in a rush to go out). I enjoyed your site & will check in again soon. Your site is great!

Elaine Hakanson - 02/16/00 21:54:53
My Email:hawk1@foxinternet.net

Hi James: I actually visited your site yesterday also but did not take time to sign your "Guest Book" so decided I would go back in today! Your site is great! Your trip to Europe sounds wonderful! Wish I was going!!! Will check your site again soon!

Audrey Herrington - 02/16/00 02:21:37
My Email:HHerrin621@aol.com

Was interesting to see your Web Site.

Elaine Hakanson - 02/15/00 20:22:50
My Email:hawk1@foxinternet.net

Enjoyed visiting your website. Will check in again soon.

Carol Byers - 02/15/00 02:32:25

Neat web page!

Melissa Roach - 02/09/00 03:17:57
My Email:melroach@aol.com

Ms. Harman- You are a very busy woman! How do you do it all? It's interesting that your son is going to Oceanography camp. For quite a while I wanted to be an Oceanographer or Marine Biologist. I gave up when I realized that Ft Worth would never be near the ocean! I'm enjoying class and am anxious to learn even ore in the upcoming months!

Elizabeth DeArmond - 01/22/00 17:48:12
My Email:edearmon@dl.tccd.net

Just stopping by to see what you are up to!

Janet Lynn Lovette - 01/21/00 19:08:32
My Email:jlovette@dl.tccd.net

Keep us informed about your Driver's Ed experiences!

Shaun P. Dynes - 09/30/99 20:22:44
My Email:sdynes@swbell.net

Hello Mrs. Harman. I like the new and improved pages. Keep up the good work.

Roxanne Holt - 09/07/99 01:35:48
My Email:rgholt@gte.net

Can't wait until I can build a site...My oldest son was drummajor at Grapevine HS in '96, now he's a horn section leader in the Baylor Golden Wave Marching Band. My youngest son played bassoon at GHS and played football (3 year varsity) and he's at Baylo too.

Kelly Stansberry - 09/06/99 20:58:34
My Email:KStansb935@aol.com

I'm looking forward to learning all this so I can have a web page too, minus the dog and husband of course.

Carrie Crain - 09/03/99 03:59:51
My URL:http://users.ticnet.com/brandonncarrie/
My Email:carrie@ticnet.com

Hi Mrs. Harman! I was just checking out your site and thought I'd check out your pages. =) Hope your semester is off to a good start and going well! Have fun! See you in class!

Carrie Crain - 09/03/99 03:58:54
My URL:http://users.ticnet.com/brandonncarrie/
My Email:carrie@ticnet.com

Hi Mrs. Harman! I was just checking out your site and thought I'd

James Bryant - 02/04/99 23:44:15
My Email:lteach@azmail.net

Cool site Dotty!! James great job on making all-region!!! See ya later.

D.J. Harman - 01/27/99 03:45:07
My URL:/siliconvalley/byte/2686
My Email:mdharman@flash.net

hey hey! i finally got A site up. this one is one ive made for my Jediknight (computer game by Lucasarts) clan (team) that plays on heat.net (online gaming service). ive just begun to learn html, but i would appreciate it if anyone who looks here could gi e me some pointers. (keeping in mind that im 14 years old). :-) cya later. NICE SITE aunt dotty. ~D.J.H.~

DJ Harman - 01/24/99 17:29:53
My URL:none yet. still working on it
My Email:mdharman@flash.net

hey! nice site dotty. for those of you viewing the guestbook, i signed a long time ago, and i put that my cousin created it. mistype :-) its my aunt. and she has done a great job. i also put an url on there which is wrong and even if it were right, it wou d be erased by now :-) since this time i have grown brain cells little by little and have become somewhat more intelligent.

Mark Layman - 01/24/99 03:02:59
My Email:x0ml@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your web page address at the bottom of your last e-mail, and thought I would "check it out". You are right, keeping a website with changing content can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if you are always busy! You might be interested in looking at http://www.7am.com/ . You can get a free, constantly updated news ticker to place on your age, and/or new feeds which are also free. Just thought you might want to take a look at it. Talk to you later, bye.

Lynda Wright - 01/04/99 16:01:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~allstarfound
My Email:lbwright@gte.net

Hi. Stop by and see my new web site I am doing for a place where I volunteer (working with disabled on horses). Even though we only talked about web pages briefly during class, I was thinking of you. I have tried to keep it pretty simple (still have wo k to do!). By the way...coming to your site made me realize I could do an "affordable" site for the center. Thanks!

Vaughn Oliver - 12/24/98 03:39:05
My Email:v1857@aol.com

Thanks, I finally got the time to visit. Good Site, Fancy buttons

Denise Harman - 11/12/98 02:13:19
My Email:mdharman@flash.net

Hey... I just dropped in to see what was up with the other Harman family in the area. Nice site! Congratulations, James on making all-region. D.J. did too, but he is 12th chair trumpet in the top band of four. Dr. Garner is going to be his clinician o Dec. 5.

Lynda B. Wright - 11/04/98 19:05:00
My Email:lbwright@gte.net

Hi. Just needed a "break" so I stopped by to see if you had "remodeled" from Halloween. I'll be back....

Lynda B. Wright - 10/23/98 05:25:27
My Email:lbwright@gte.net

Hi! Love those pumpkins!!!

Lynne - 10/10/98 20:08:46
My Email:mle053@flash.net

I like your page. Maybe I'll get energetic one day soon and make me one.

Jason Elliott - 10/10/98 20:06:34
My Email:jee655

Hi, when are you going to come visit. Mom needs to work on a home page for us.

Dave Lewis - 10/02/98 22:54:32
My URL:http://www.startext.net/homes/djlewis
My Email:djlewis@arlington.net

(To be read with a Dracula accent) You are scarry with the pumpkin and the !!BOO!! Now, we will have to trick or treat your site. Have plenty of candy or we bite your neck! Sincerely, Your Friends.

Bill Brewer - 09/13/98 22:01:33
My URL:http://donthaveone
My Email:Bill_Brewer@compuserve.com


08/31/98 05:01:29
Name: My URL:

Cool page Please visit my website too

C E Proffitt - 08/24/98 03:14:07
My Email:proffittc@usa.net

Looking good, just keep up the tags. Remember one good line of code deserves another. Sorry, the other post didn't have my c in the e-mail address.

C E Proffitt - 08/24/98 03:06:56
My Email:proffitt@usa.net

Looking good, just keep up the tags. Remember one good line of code deserves another.

mscott - 08/09/98 22:04:27
My Email:mscott@cmpu.net

Looks good so far. Still needs work.

dianna heinz - 08/08/98 00:15:57
My Email:dianna.heinz@chrysalis.org

I LOVE your page ... still working on mine :(

DJ Harman - 08/06/98 02:58:48
My URL:http://geocities.com/Area51/Shire/8724/Rebound25/html
My Email:mdharman@flash.net

hey the creator of this site is my cousin! dont u guys think he did a good job?! my site is currently under construction but ill be fixin it soon.

Dave - 08/04/98 23:39:43
My URL:http://www.tcjc.cc.tx.us/dharman/dave/INDEX.htm
My Email:djlewis@arlington.net

Love the yellow with wavey white stripe. Looks like a postage stamp. May I wade in your fountain?

jgh - 08/03/98 02:52:20
My Email:d_teach@yahoo.com

Can't wait to see the next generation.

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