Welcome to the Scrapbookmommies Information Page! Scrapbookmommies is a onelist where we talk primarily about our passion for scrapbooking! You don't neccesarily need to be a mom to join us though! We have a few surrogant moms on the list to nieces, nephews, cats and dogs! At scrapbookmommies, we are concerned about making sure people follow through with the swaps they signed up for. If you fail to follow through with a swap, a mark will be made against you. If it is for reasons which cannot be avoided please let the swap hostess know as soon as possible why you cannot follow through with the swap so other arrangements can be made to ensure your partner receives their fair share. If no reason is given and the swap is incompleted you may be banned from future swaps if no reasonable explaination is provided.
If you are on the receiving end of a swap and did not get your swap, a hospitality gift will be pooled together from members of the list and sent to you to compensate for your lack of. Now that all the technicalities are out of the way.... My name is Share and I am the list mommy. However, I don't want to be "the boss" or in charge of something that is meant to be for everyone. I am here to ensure things are running smoothly and that if any trouble should arise, I will try to take care of it. Anyone is welcome to hold a swap provided there aren't too many happening at once! Take a look around at what is happening!
This list will help keep track of what swaps are currently running and when the deadlines are. If you are not currently a member of scrapbookmommies but would like to be please click here to sign up....
Find Out What Swaps Are Going On!
Links to other great scrapbook resources!