My hobbies and interests are all basically on hold for now as I raise our four beautiful children. B.C. (Before Children) I liked to spend time at the beach, swimming, tanning and trying to windsurf. We would dance till late, drink way too much and sleep as long as we liked. Oh how things change! Check out the album below to see pictures of us all together. I like to sew, and I love crafts, and homemade stuff. I like photography, both taking photos and developing them. (Kids are GREAT subjects) My favourite photographer is Anne Geddes, that's my best loved photo of hers below and a link to more stunning photography. I love my computer, and the world of Internet. I love family outings, especially birthdays and Christmas. Mostly though, I love my family. All my family. Read on to find out about our eldest son, Joshua and his rare chromosome condition,18q-syndrome, or about our beautiful little girl, Emily. Then go on to read about the twins Matthew and Daniel. (also known as "Search and "Destroy") There are stacks of links below. Take your time and come back soon! You can visit my new Blog here |