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Event Scheduler

Ministry Scheduler
Ministry Notifier
Event Scheduler
Ministry Reminder
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Nützi Software created Event Scheduler to coordinate event dates and times and the rooms which these events will be held in, eliminating conflicts in scheduling the same room for different events. 


Key Benefits

Schedule rooms for events and/or meetings.

Easy database maintenance.

Prints a calendar for posting these events.

Display Daily, Weekly, and Monthly events.



15 MB Hard Drive space required.

Windows 95or greater desktop.




Event Scheduler Screen Shots 

To Purchase Event Scheduler

To purchase Event Scheduler for only   $59.00 (US dollars)


To Purchase Demo CD

NOTE:  The Demo CD will contain the following software products;

Ministry Scheduler, Ministry Notifier, and Event Scheduler

To purchase Demo CD for only   $3.99 (US dollars)


To pay by check or money order, please provide the following information along with payment to the address below:

Your Name
Your telephone number
Church Name
Church address including zip code
Church phone number

Free Tech support also  at


Joseph Nuetzi
11511 Petersham Falls Ln.
Jacksonville, FL 32258




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