David Burton's personal website

Nathan and Daniel Boone website

To comment on this information please e-mail David Burton at dburton541@yahoo.com.


Nathan Boone: the forgotten hero of Ash Grove.

The Daniel Boone family comes to Missouri.

Announced purchase of Nathan Boone site (1981).

Nathan Boone and Fort Osage.

Ownership history of the Nathan Boone home.

Boone's relatives reflect on what the state purchase means.

Who is Daniel Boone?

Narrative about Nathan Boone before he travelled to Missouri.

Boone points of interest nationwide.

Historical sites in Greene County, Mo.

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Most people wonder why I have an interest in Nathan Boone since he is NOT a relative. The answer is simple. I grew up in Ash Grove (where the Nathan Boone State Historical Park is located) and I have always had an interest in local history. This website includes news articles about Nathan Boone that I wrote for the Cross Country Times newspaper while I was editor.

Nathan Boone Homestead State Historical Site in Greene County, Mo.
7850 N. State Hwy. V, Ash Grove, MO 65604; telephone: (417) 751-3266.

This one-and-one-half story log house was the home of Col. Nathan Boone, the son of Daniel Boone and a military officer and early developer of Missouri. Constructed in 1837, the house retains many of its original features, such as hand-planed moldings and walnut clapboard siding. Other than time spent away on military service, Boone lived in the house until his death in 1856. This site is now open to the public and includes a visitor's center. For more information visit:

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources page about Nathan Boone State Historic Park.

Websites with historical information on the Boone family

The Daniel Boone home.

Daniel Boone homestead

Boone's Salt Lick

Daniel Boone Myth and Reality in American Consciousness

Daniel Boone's Birthplace

Daniel Boone's Grave

Brief Biography of Daniel Boone

Nathan Boone was born at Boone's Station, now a State Historic Site. It is located on Gentry Road near the village of Athens, (pronounced A-thens), which is now part of Lexington, KY. No original structure remains, but there is a grave site where Nathan's brother and Uncle are buried. He still has a few cousins living near by.