The Laurell K. Hamilton Reading Group, aka The Lunatic Cafe, is part of AOL's Books Community.

We meet alternate Fridays at 10 pm ET in TABK Bookmarks to discuss the works of Laurell K. Hamilton. If you are an AOL member, feel free to drop in on our meetings, or stop by our Message Board and join the lunacy. Fans of LKH's work are always welcome!

In our current series of chats, we are working our way through Narcissus in Chains, the latest Anita Blake book.

On January 7, 2000 The Lunatic Cafe hosted Laurell K. Hamilton's first live web chat! To say we were an excited bunch of Lunatics is an understatement. The turnout was great... at one point we had a little over 100 people in the room! We enjoyed ourselves very much, but more importantly Laurell also had a good time and is looking forward to doing more chats! A link to the chat transcript can be found below.

For more information on The Lunatic Cafe, contact either LKHfan or ABLAKEHUNT.

Inside The Lunatic Cafe

LKH Live Chat Transcript
Read a transcript of LKH's recent live chat.
Did the question you've always wanted to ask get answered?

About Laurell K. Hamilton
Just posted, with her permission, a recent picture of Laurell!
Also, NEW personal appearance information.

The Lunatic Cafe Library
Enjoy our library of ABVH fan fic!

First Official LKH Fan Club Newsletter
Packed with lots of info, including news on
Obsidian Butterfly, Kiss of Shadows and ABVH Book 10.

LKH's Bibliography
A complete list of all LKH's work.

The World of Anita Blake
Book covers and back cover blurbs from all the ABVH books.

Obsidian Butterfly
It's here, Obsidian Butterfly!!! Look here for cover art and the teaser from the inside flap of the book cover.

Trivia Wars
See how our members have tested each other on Anitaverse trivia.

Send comments to LKHfan
© 1998-2000 Mary Lyons
Danse Macabre
by Camille Saint-Saens
Midi created by Jo Baldwin


This Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter site is owned by LKHfan.

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