Christopher Edward Savard's Geneology Page

This page presents the Savard genealogy dating back to France in 1687. If you are a Savard descendant and fit into the tree anywhere, please feel free to email me with your details & we can put together a 'Distant Relative Contact List'. Email me here.

Savard, Simon Dourdouil, Marie

Savard, Jean 14-4-1687 Tremblay, Marguerite

Savard, Joseph 16-10-1727 Allaire, Catherine

Savard, Jean-Baptiste 5-4-1761 Tremblay Felicite'

Savard, Joseph 20-1-1794 Bergeron, Françoise

Savard, Loius 24-11-1840 Tremblay, Elisabeth

Savard, François 9-4-1877 Bouchard, Elmyre Alda

Savard, Florent ?-?-19?? Dore, Denise ( My Grand Parents )

Savard, Edward 6-11-1966 Junia, Howland ( My Parents )

Savard, Christopher 8-01-1992 Bazylinski, Teena Marie ( My wife & I )

Savard, Andrew ?????????????( He is only 6 )

The Dates indicate marrage dates. Please feel to email me with any known corerctions. I hope to put hotlinks from each name on the list to the other familly branches. RED names are ones with links to homepages. Email me Here.

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