
I seldom
walk the old lone road
but feelings from within I owed,
A voice inside said that I should
go to the field beyond the wood!
How odd I
thought but did as told
and came upon this place of old!
The marker's chipped and aged by sun
it's all that's left of dreams undone!
nothing here to show their strife,
of how they lived or way of life,
Just only weeds where crops once grew
and dried up creeks where waters drew!
Who had
this been? What were their cries?
Who wiped their tears upon good-byes?
What have they seen? Who was their friend?
What secrets hide within the wind?
questions came but answers none
about this lost and lonely one,
I felt such need to know this soul
to be as one, to learn their goal.
I sensed
much sorrow and of guilt
about their future gone unbuilt,
I tried to soften their despair
so on bent knee I said a prayer:
Father in your House of Love
please have you room for one lost dove?
To take them in and give a home
so they may rest from years of roam?
see they've gone just slight astray
and need Your light to find the way,
When they are back unto Your heart,
they'll never need or want to part!
please my Lord do hear my plea
to help this soul I beg of thee,
In Your Kingdom let them enter
always loved inside It's center!"
I knew my
words were not unheard
for in the tree a Robin stirred,
He took to wing and landed near
the song he sang was so sincere!
He perched
upon the marker stone
as if to claim it for his own,
With tilted head he looked at me
then sang his magic song with glee!
His tune
was sung with wondrous pride
I saw that God was by his side!
His one last glance I knew to say
now everything was right this day!
As off he
flew toward Heaven's Light
I sent him love with all my might!
There's still one answer to proclaim,
I had to know, what was their name?
I searched
the marker for a clue
with answer found at once I knew,
Just why the voice said that I should
go to the field beyond the wood . . .
The name
who lived upon this land?
The name
it was . . . Ineeda Hand.
by Judy J. Leago
Copyrighted © 1996, all rights reserved by Judy Leago