I wish to thank each of the following family members for helping me learn about my heritage!
The McClintock Side:
Arthur Hart - His mother was Prudence (McClintock) Hart, daughter of Thomas H. McClintock and Julia Ann Chaffin. Art was the one who really got me going on the family search with of all the wonderful information he had on our McClintock's. It would have taken me years to have obtained the information that he shared with me! I'm sad to say Arthur died in February of 2002 at the age of 96.
Louise (Hart) Whitlow - sister to Arthur Hart. It has been wonderful communicating with Louise and sharing family history!
Gene (Ballentine) Rooks - a new found cousin whose lineage is from one of my forefather's sister's (Eliza McClintock) line. It was so exciting to have found her! She has also shared with me history on my Allen and Casdorph side of which I would have not known anything about!
Ruby Travis - a new found cousin who has put me in contact with cousins I didn't know I had! It has been wonderful communicating with her!
Jim Pryor - also a new found cousin who has graciously shared valuable family history and pictures with me that has given me great insight into my heritage! Most of the McClintock pictures you will see are from Jim. Thanks, Jim!
Shirley Pryor - another new found cousin who along with Ruby and Jim have shared wonderful family history!
The Latta Side:
Leonard H. Latta - son of John Baier Latta and Ella Ruth (Byars) Schoonover and brother to my mother Norma Cherrie (Latta) McClintock. If it had not been for "Uncle Bud" and all his trips to courthouses, graveyards and family land sites I would barely know anything about my Latta lineage at all! And of course I want to thank my Aunt, Gene' (Angel) Latta and grandmother, Ella (Byars) Schoonover, who patiently rode with him on all his journeys!
I am truly indebted to each person for all their efforts in helping me find my past!!