Greetings! We are so happy you could stop in and check out our little bit of the net. We are happy to reside here on the net, in the real world we live in Austell, Georgia. both my wife and I are hotel administrators. Sandra loves shop and travel, me too! We are both G.W.R.R.A. members (Gold Wing Road Riders Association) We ride a 1983 Brandywine Gold Wing. A Wing that has won more shows than I can even remember.
We have one child and one on the way. There is Alexandria Kristin, we call her Kristin or the mighty pudlander depending on her mood. She is quite a joy. To think that we are actually going to have another one! Whew! I will be outnumbered for sure because the Doctor is very sure it will be a little girl also. We have picked out the name Amanda Kasie, hence they both will have the initials A.K.P. Pretty neat how that worked out huh? Sandra is due on September 24, 1998. Keep us in your prayers.