Halloween Not Recognized by God as a "Day Off"

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Ephesians 5:11

The scripture above is clearly a commandment not to become involved in any way, shape, or form with the spiritual darkness. Yet, people celebrate Halloween. Unfortunately, even good Christians, will help build anticipation in the minds of their own children as they prepare for a night of fun and treats. Many Christians are not aware that this is a pagan holiday.

The practice of Halloween come from a pagan order of priests called Druids. The Druids would dress up in dark robes and go from house to house to collect food. If you did not give it to them, you would be cursed or a loved one might be taken as a sacrifice. Samhain, a Druid god of the dead was honored at Halloween. The celebration used apples, witches, and black cats. Divination was practiced as well as magic to seek answers for the future. Black cats were considered to be reincarnated beings. Even today, Halloween is celebrated among many of the modern day witches and the Satanists.

Although Satan has many special holidays for his followers, this is a most special and happy day for him; as he even has Christians paying him honor on this day of the year. Isn't it strange that sinners often go to church at Christmas or Easter whether they go any other time of the year or not. And then Christians, celebrate and pay honor to Satan on October 31st, whether they praise him any other time of the year or not!

The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:22 "Abstain from all appearance of evil." It doesn't say . . . "except for October 31st"! I know, your thinking, "greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world". I agree. However, young children are easily influenced. When children are allowed, and especially encouraged, to play around with this sort of thing; they are truly playing on "satan's turf"! They are entering into a 'fellowship' of sorts with the devil.

I grew up celebrating Halloween, watching shows such as 'Bewitch', etc. and these things did heighten my interest in magic and other things I now realize to be wrong. I did not understand the true meaning and I allowed my oldest son (presently 19) to celebrate. My two year old will never be allowed to participate in this satanic holiday. I started changing my mind on Halloween a couple years before I was 'saved'. Yes, maybe, I was beginning to change spiritually. Yet, my change of heart was not based on my great spiritual awakening. It was based on working several years with an adult who had been ritualistically abused in childhood by many of her own family members that were in a satanic occult. She experienced many nightmares, breaking out in cold sweats, and personality changes particular times of the year. Halloween was just one of those times. People just don't want to believe in things like this happening. An alternative we came up with for her on Halloween (for her daughter) was dressing up like a little angel and handing out treats. The treats were suckers which were attached to a tract revealing the 'true' meaning of Halloween. It pointed to scriptures sharing insight into many of the Halloween symbols of today. If you believe in God, you have to believe in Satan too! If you believe in the Bible, then you know there are powers that come from God and those used by Satan, himself. Satanist are smart. Human sacrifices usually come from aborting or killing a newborn infant of some child they got pregnant within their own cult, for the sole reason of providing a sacrifice. Therefore, there is no record of birth or death for the baby. The Satanist has many ways of covering up their tracks and making honest people sound like either a liar or insane. There are over 3, 814 Covens and 423 Satanic Cults known to exist in the US There is no way of knowing how many other unknown ones that exist.

There are alternatives for children at this time of year. Our church rents the local roller rink each year and admission is free. Our kids do not dress up at all for this. My seven year old has a ball and doesn't seem to feel he is missing anything. I'm sure you can think of a creative way to give your children and those from your church a wonderful alternative. They won't resent your taking away their Halloween if you give them something better in return.

Quoting from a line I read somewhere, "for a Christian to celebrate Halloween is like a Jew to celebrate Hitler's birthday". It just doesn't make sense, does it??? written by: Linda Blair-Mounce September 25, 1998