SafeSurf Rated All Ages


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HI! I'm Nathaniel and I am seven years old.

"Oh no this isn't me,
this must be my Dad,
because he is always shaking his head NO!"

This is me.

Meet my dog, Michael Bulwark Van Pico. We call him "Mikey". He is a GREAT Pyr. He is the inspiration for this page. We named him 'Michael' after the Archangel, 'Bulwark' because it means protector and 'Van Pico' because he is the son of Pico.

Come on inside the house and meet the rest of my family.
They are all here! Just take your mouse and click on the door.

Click here for my page "God's Promises".

Click on Mikey's pic below to view my page about "The Great Pyrenees".
{I was trying to hold him still for the picture.}

Meet "Cutie". He's my adopted cyberdog. I feel in love with him instantly because he looks just like Mike did when we first brought him home. Mike is so big and beautiful, but I wish he could have stayed a puppy just a little longer. (He double his size in about 3 months after coming home with us.)

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