Christian Articles on a Variety of Subjects by Jim

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Does God Have A Sense Of Humor?

I can't remember the first time I ever heard a Minister tell a joke from the Pulpit. I'm sure it happened long before I have conscious memory of it. I then wonder why it was so uncomfortable for me the first time I did hear a very funny Minister speak? Somewhere stored away in my tiny memory bank (probably overdrawn), was the idea that ministers, church leaders, etc. were not supposed to be funny. It was all deadly serious, too serious to make light of.

Someone hadn't told this Minister about the seriousness required in Preaching!? My gosh, what was he saying? I couldn't believe my ears. There was nothing obscene about it, yet it seemed so irreverent. I laughed my nervous laugh, felt my face flush, and wondered, 'How long should I listen to this?' Was I committing blasphemy by just being a part of this? Was God laughing? Somehow I doubted it.

I toughed it out. Trying very hard to not judge. After all "judge not lest ye be judged" was a verse I knew was "serious", and who knows. I may have a plank in my own eyes. Was I to judge the speck in this brothers eye? In spite of myself I really enjoyed the sermon, then immediately felt guilty about it. The sermon was concluded nicely as the minister came full circle, and the last 15 minutes or so spoke in a more traditional manner, he spoke about the essential things one must do, to be a true Christian.

I pondered this experience for a long time. I finally decided that I would venture out into uncharted territory. I bided my time, waiting for just the right moment to test this sense of humor thing. It occurred at a Jail Ministry. I thought, 'now here is a captive audience, literally; and if anyone needs a laugh, I venture to say it was these fellows'. I told a little story, they laughed. I told another, they laughed even more. Wow this was getting to be fun. I unloaded my entire arsenal of holy humor on them. As far as I could tell they loved it. Was God laughing? Somehow I felt He was. I then "came full circle", and "spoke in a more traditional manner". I spoke of the essential things one must do to be a true Christian. In my case to plagiarize was to evangelize.

Since then I have noticed many Christians who are suffering from the same serious delusion I was. I or someone else says something funny, and they struggle with it. I recognize the uncomfortable feelings they are experiencing. I don't know exactly where I am going with this, except to voice an opinion in this article. One that states I personally believe God has a sense of humor. He must have, after all He created you and me, didn't he? If you don't think He has a great sense of humor, just take a look at the person beside you sometime. I can dwell on my own weaknesses, but worry is a useless emotion; or I can look to my strengths, and often, "The joy of the Lord is my strength". How about you? Are you able to laugh about yourself or with others?

A man was stranded on his rooftop during a terrible flood. Emergency workers went out in a jeep to get him. "Get in the jeep", they shouted! "I am waiting on the Lord", the man replied. Conditions worsened, and they were forced to leave him. A short time later they returned in a boat. "Get in the boat", they shouted! "I am waiting on the Lord", replied the man. Again they were forced to leave. Finally they came back in a helicopter. "Climb up the rope!", they shouted! "I am waiting on the Lord", he replied again. They were forced to leave. He drowned. Upon arriving in Heaven, he was shocked. "Heaven! Dead! How can that be? I waited on the Lord!" St. Peter replied, "Yes, and He sent you a jeep, and a boat, and a helicopter!"

Are you waiting on the Lord? God works in mysterious ways. The Disciples were often misunderstood, and rejected in carrying out their rescue missions for men's souls. Even when they drove up in that unmistakable car of theirs. What car, you ask? Oh yes, the Disciples had a car. It says so in the Bible. It clearly states they all came in one Accord!!

So if it's a jeep, boat, helicopter, or even an Accord: get in. He will do the driving. Today is the day of your salvation. God Bless You!!

by: James R. Mounce

Thank You Lord!

My seven year old son, and his two year, eight month old sister miss their favorite TV shows. Namely Disney Channel, and Nickelodeon. I especially miss the Discovery Channel myself. We would love to have a few days out together, like a trip to an Amusement Park, a nights stay in a Motel, and a couple of those delicious meals from the Cracker Barrel. Just to have our bills caught up, even a month ahead one time, would be such a relief. Christmas is coming sooner then you think; it always does. You see, we had to cut our cable to Basic Service; cutting out the extra programming. A few days together on a mini-vacation is out of the question. Catching up on our bills is a great struggle right now, and the thought of getting ahead seems absurd. We are experiencing financial problems. Are "Hard Times" here? Well, that depends on your perspective. I think of depressing thoughts sometimes. I try then to put everything back into proper focus. Let's see, should I worry about the lack of additional programming on our cable service, when there are those who would consider even owning a TV a dream come true? No, I guess not. What about that little vacation we so desperately need? I feel we could do without it, and still survive. After all there are those struggling just for the basic necessities of life; so we don't really "need" that trip, much less "desperately need" it. The bills are due again. We will do our best, and learn to lean on the Lord even more; II Corinthians 12:9 tells us "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." From that verse alone, I realize my future is secure in Christ. As for Christmas, my wife has an annual saying that always comes true. She always says "we make it through this every year, and we will again", and we do. Besides the fact that worry is a useless emotion, the truth is we have already been given the greatest gift of all, the wonderful gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Am I saying one should throw up their hands in despair, quit trying, and expect the Lord to remedy all of their problems, financial or otherwise? Absolutely not. I am saying that we as Christians need to trust in HIM, live for HIM, work for Him, Believe in HIM, and keep trying our very best. I somehow believe in my heart of hearts that if we do these things that God will provide. As for worry, it has never changed the outcome of any situation ever, and never will, therefore it is truly a useless emotion. So I thank God for what I do have. A TV with basic cable. A picnic at the local park with my family, complete with Bologna Sandwiches and Generic Cola. A wonderful wife, and 3 equally wonderful children in our humble home. The most precious gift of all, Salvation; and a family that serves the Lord. These are just a few of the things God has given me, along with so much more that at times may get overlooked. Thank you Lord! Thank You for "everything" you have given me this day, and all the days of my life. God Bless You All, and don't forget to thank HIM.

by: James R. Mounce

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