Family-Friendly Site

Walking On Waters

Welcome to the HOMEpage of James and Linda (Blair) Mounce

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"Do YOU BELIEVE in Jesus Christ? Do YOU BELIEVE in the Bible? Do YOU ACT like it? Are YOU willing to step out on faith?

Remember to keep your eyes focused on Jesus and YOU CAN . . . "Walk On Waters"! Just tell your mountains "MOVE!"

STOP telling God how big your mountains are and START telling those mountains how BIG YOUR GOD IS!!!
(Hey, remind yourself of this saying the next time you sit down to work on the bills. I have this written on my checks to remind myself. It can really help stop the worrying!)

"Walking on Water"

JavaArt by ICT.

Click on banner below to see our Family Picture Page!

Hi! We are a Christian family with three adorable children in the home ranging from two to eighteen. We are an "odd couple", but as you know opposites attract. James is a retired mental health therapist & Vietnam Veteran. Linda is a Christian Counselor and part-time college instructor. We love God, our family and life. . . and we enjoy talking(that's Jim) and listening(that's Linda). Almost anything that you enjoy then most likely one of us will have that in common . . . but probably not both! We also enjoy a sense of humor!

We are very new to computers and especially to setting up homepages, etc. We encourage you to check back with us from time to time, as we have great plans for our page. (Now if we can just obtain the 'know how' to apply them.) We started this page mid July 1998, but will be changing it occassionally as we learn more html.


Click on button below for "Articles of Faith by Jim"

Click on button below for "Articles of Faith by Linda"
Article for October is
A Christian Perspective on Halloween.

Click here for Linda's Article of Sept.
on the KY Annual Deaf Festival.

Click below for Linda's "Things of the Heart"
(Angels, Poems, Scriptures, etc.)

"Healing Scriptures" can now be found at my office location.
(Scriptures to meet your basic needs.)

This Heartland Partners in Prayer site is owned by
James and Linda (Blair) Mounce.

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on August 10,1998

Thank you Wendy.
(See her link below
Living Life in Victory.)

Links to other sites on the Web

Click here to return to "Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails" (our seven year old's homepage)
The Victory Christian Fellowship Homepage (Our Home Church)
The Saga of Bad John Hall Homepage

Christian Homepage Club

Christian Media (UK)

(Thanks for the background & graphics!)

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