Michael and Robin
from St. Louis, Missouri

Two teachers want to become parents  through adoption!

      Understandably, this must be a difficult time for you.  Your strength and courage in making the decision to consider adoption is admirable.  We realize that it is a decision made with love for your child. 
You have our deepest respect, and we are thrilled that you are considering us as you choose your baby's parents.
     We are both special education teachers.  We met in 1990 and fell in love while teaching at the same school.  We have been happily married since 1994 and planned to start a family right away.  Unfortunately, that did not occur due to infertility.  We decided to stop medical treatments when we realized that being parents was much more important to us than being pregnant.  We are very   excited about becoming parents through open adoption.
     We chose open adoption because it gives us a chance to get to know each other.  We're just a phone call away!
Warmly,   Michael and Robin Skordos

About Michael...
     Michael is a people person. He really works to make the people in his life happy. He is generous, caring, nurturing, and giving by nature. His friends often turn to him for advice or just an ear to listen. He always makes a point of expressing his appreciation when someone has done something nice for him.  Michael always makes sure by words or actions that his family knows how much he loves and enjoys being around them. I know that Michael will be a wonderful father who will be involved in all aspects of our child's life. -Robin

Michael with our niece.

About Robin...
     Robin has an easy going personality.
She is loving, considerate, compassionate, dependable, and committed to her family and friends. She has a great smile and tons of patience. She tackles life's challenges with determination and always seems to come out stronger for it. Robin will be a wonderful mother because she will be there to guide, love and support our child with a gentle, loving touch. -Michael

Our families...     
     We both come from loving stable homes and are very close to our families. In fact, we are very fortunate because we are truly friends with them. Besides getting together for all holidays, birthdays, going to church, and special occasions, we often find ourselves hopping in the car to meet them for a movie, dinner out, or other fun activities.  Our families are eager to welcome a new baby into the family and support our decision to adopt!

Robin and Murphy in our backyard.

Our home...
    We live in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri in a friendly, safe, clean neighborhood close to great schools and parks. Children play outside, people jog past, and families walking their dogs stop to chat.  Our warm, sun filled home was built 2 years ago with children in mind. There is plenty of floor space for toys and games. Upstairs, the nursery is right next to our bedroom. We spend many afternoons in our white fenced backyard playing with our lovable beagle Murphy. We can't wait for a little one toddling around the yard and eventually join in on games like volleyball, basketball, or soccer.

Robin's family after a day of swimming.

We chose cuddly Teddy Bears for the nursery.

Our Activities...   
      Michael loves coaching his girls and boys high school varsity soccer teams. Michael has  always loved soccer, he played as a youth and has coached kids of all ages for the past 14 years. Michael can't wait to teach our child to play.  Robin has become quite a soccer nut and has traveled with him to see games in Chicago at the 1994 World Cup and the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.
     Robin's true passion is reading. Our bookshelves are overflowing. She has even kept her favorite childhood books
to read to our child as they snuggle into bed at night.
     Our time at home together is spent  cooking new recipes for dinner, walking around the neighborhood with our dog    Murphy, playing games, and singing to the radio. We also enjoy e-mailing family and friends, surfing the internet and using programs on our computer.

Contact our adoption counselors at:

Independent Adoption Center 

email us at:


Or call us collect at 314-458-9676

Updated 2/28/99