Here I pay credit to all the free graphics places that I have gotten graphics from. If you have found some good sites please use the form here to let me know or e-mail me.
HTML Goodies
The best HTML help site I’ve rever been to. I've learned a lot about HTML from here. They have step by step tutorials and help forums. Try Java Goodies while you’re there too for lots of free Java Scripts.
IconBAZAAR Lot's of free icons as the name implies.
Windy’s Fashionable Page Design Full of great free backgrounds. There is such a range that there will be one to suit you!
MadameXChange I got my Guestbook sign and view pictures from here.
Boogie Jack’s Free Things Full of great graphics and backgrounds, samples and jokes, and even some HTML help.
Over the Edge Animation Lots of great animated graphics. Also has a lot of links to other graphic sites.
Tiger eyes Graphics This person has gotten tons of great graphics from everywhere and put them in one big collection.
Cool Archive This is one of my favourite places for web stuff! With lots of graphics, including backgrounds, bullets, and bars, and they have HTML help, a logo genorator and a button maker. They have lots of free fonts, too!