Welcome to Murphy's Guestbook! I want to thank you for visiting my site! After viewing our visitors, please sign my guestbook so you can join in the fun!

Bad Bunny - 12/02/00 06:07:29
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Sue Ahern - 11/22/00 00:11:06
My Email:sue.ahern@talk21.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: 50 cats ish
Favorite cat food (cats only!): IAMS
I breed various pedigree cats, Birmans, British Short Hairs, Devon Rexes and Maine Coons but my favourite cat is the black and white moggy.

Lauren - 11/02/00 19:50:37
My URL:http://MyCatPage.cjb.net
My Email:stars174@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, Philippe
Favorite sport: Track
Favorite TV show: Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Tuna Soup!
Hi Murphy! Great Job with your site, its terrific! I really enjoyed looking through all of your pages, they were excellent. Thanks for sharing and come visit me, Philippe, soon! Meows&Purrs, Philippe >^..^<

Lauren - 11/02/00 19:48:29
My URL:http://MyCatPage.cjb.net
My Email:stars174@hotmail.com

Secret Furfriend - 11/02/00 00:00:54
My Email:furfriend@lovecat.com
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Anything fishy! YUM
Hi Murphy! Thought I would come by your site and check it out. You look alot like my adopted brofur, who is almost 1 years old. Anyways, I enjoyed my visit. See you again soon. >^..^<

Runtell - 11/01/00 00:27:44
My URL:/Petsburgh/Zoo/5627
My Email:runtell@yahoo.com
Meow To You! My name is Runtell and I am a Cat! I was out doing some good ole surfing when I cam across your wonderful Home! What a joy and a treat it was to visit too! I really did enjoy my visit and will be back again soon!>^..^<

Spencer, SuzAn & Anabell - 10/18/00 16:53:08
My Email:monshar@juno.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We are cats
Favorite sport: Bouncing off Walls
Favorite TV show: Any Animal Show
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Nutro - Max Cat Lite
Terrific Site. You sure are a Handsome Kitty. We haven't checked your site completely, but sure have liked what we saw so far.

PJ - 10/07/00 08:05:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pjaye_2000
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Kiriana (The Pud)
Favorite sport: Basketball
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite cat food (cats only!): fish from the fish and chip shop...batter removed
The Pud and I really enjoyed our visit, we loved the photos of Murphy...he's a cutie. A great site

Heidi - 09/24/00 08:09:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heidipalmgren/
My Email:heidisoini@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Killi
Favorite sport: Aerobics
Favorite TV show: That 70īs Show
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mango
Favorite cat food (cats only!): chicken
Hi! I really loved your site especially the photos! Murphy is so cute and photogenic! Please come and visit my kitty-cat Killi:)

Merrisa - 08/25/00 18:59:27
My Email:Cbj1219@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: N/a
Favorite sport: Baseball, of course!:)
Favorite TV show: Any Sport Show
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies 'N Cream

Steve and Carol Colby - 04/20/00 17:40:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cats7551
My Email:cats7551@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes! Tuffy, Midget, Ricky, TA, Punkin, Gulliver, and Charley
Favorite sport: Motorcycles
Favorite TV show: Norm
Favorite ice cream flavor: Choc. Chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast
Great site! Murphy is adorable. Come see our kids sometime and bring Murphy so he can play with the others. God Bless, Steve and Carol

Joyce - 04/20/00 00:52:59
My Email:jjcatcastle@home.com
Favorite TV show: EMERGENCY VETS
Favorite ice cream flavor: CHOCOLATE CHIP
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9- LIVES

mela - 04/04/00 23:21:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pamelalaurel/
My Email:forevermonkey@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: i have 3 cats. Tabby (18) Alex (2) and Theo (10 months)
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite TV show: The Simpsons
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough yum
great website! I really enjoyed learning about you Murphy. I loved see all your pictures too, you are a cute and pretty kitty. Keep up the good work!

Cecil - 03/30/00 14:04:56
My Email:dan_murf@internationalmanofmystery.co.uk
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Im a haemaphilliac
Favorite TV show: Jepoardy
Favorite ice cream flavor: Im allergic to dairy products
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Pasta
My name is Cecil Graham and I am the director of a multi-million dollar rubber company in London. I am very interested in this site and would like to sponsor you $20 000 for each visitor that you get. if you are interested in this offer reply within 10 mi utes or this offer is void.

Levi & Dusty - 03/24/00 00:53:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/flocat2/
My Email:flocat2@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: we are the cats
Favorite cat food (cats only!): pounce cat treats
Mew Murphy, We enjoyed our visit to your home. We enjoyed looing at your pictures. We will visit again. Purrrs, Levi & Dusty

Kathi Gilliland - 03/23/00 01:57:33
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/FOFKG67/indexSALAMAGUNDI.html
My Email:FOFKG67@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: MGD & Spyder
Favorite sport: Football with baseball close second
Favorite TV show: Anything from the late 50s, early 60s (like Lucy, Andy Griffith etc)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Whisker Lickins Double Delights Tarter control
Very neat site and lots of cool places to visit. I think the cats are going to join the shelter Pets club as they came from a shelter. I found your meowy site throught the FeLine.

Sassy - 03/02/00 06:18:24
My URL:http://spoiledkitty.faithweb.com
My Email:spoiled_kitty_cat@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am a cat
Favorite sport: Pawball
Favorite TV show: Funniest Animals
Favorite ice cream flavor: Catnip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Tuna
Meows! I'm also a memfur of CLAW and Furship. You have a great site! I'll be back soon. Happy belated birthday to your meowmie and happy belated anniversary to you! Purrs and furship, Sassy

The Crowley Cats - 02/11/00 04:48:22
My URL:http://www.star-telegram.com/homes/scrappy/
My Email:scrappy@star-telegram.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We ARE cats!
Favorite sport: Hunting
Favorite TV show: Nature
Favorite ice cream flavor: Homemade Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Tuna & Egg Bits
Concatulations on your second anniversary and belated birthday wishes to your meowmie. We enjoyed visiting your web site and looking at your fantastic photographs. Purrs from Shibui, Dobbin, Midnight, Bogey & Frenchie

Jean C Henry - 02/05/00 18:34:32
My Email:jchsally@knology.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Christopher Claws
Favorite sport: baseball,AU football
Favorite TV show: Jeopardy,Ben Stein,et
Favorite ice cream flavor: CHOCOLATE!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina,Tender Vittle
Hi! You have a really cute page! I love cats so my sister hooked me up to your page via email. I teach school in Valley, AL (8th grade social studies); this is my 30th year! My cat is Christopher Claws because he was born on Christmas Day in 1989; he is spoiled, but not as renowned as Murphy!!

Di & the Critters - 12/31/99 17:38:33
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com//exeter/105/wilsoncritters.html
My Email:wilsoncritters@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Try 3 catz: Saber, Bonkers and Charlie
Favorite sport: Fishing (that's a sport right?)
Favorite TV show: Everybody Loves Raymond (I can always use a good laugh)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Blue Bell Natural Vanilla Bean (I'm a simple gal w/simple tastes)
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9-Lives Canned!
Cute page. Murphy is a neat name for a kewl kitty. However does Murphy get on top of the kitchen cabinets....via the frig? We hope you'll come and visit our little slice of cyber space sometime. But until then, take care!

midnightangel - 12/19/99 14:35:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/noww/pets.html
My Email:midnightangel@canoemail.com
Favorite sport: football
Favorite TV show: drew carey
Favorite ice cream flavor: choc
Hi! Your have a great site! Your kitty is sooooooooooo cute!! Your site is beautifully designed, too! I had a great visit!

midnightangel - 12/19/99 14:32:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/noww/pets.html
My Email:midnightangel@canoemail.com
Favorite sport: football
Favorite TV show: drew carey
Favorite ice cream flavor: choc
Hi! Your have a great site! Your kitty is sooooooooooo cute!! Your site is beautifully designed, too! I had a great visit!

Erica - 10/30/99 06:39:47
My Email:collins@email.kcc.edu
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Kiki
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite TV show: poke'mon
Favorite ice cream flavor: sherbert
Favorite cat food (cats only!): purina
This is great! my cat is almost just like you you and him are both black and white.email me and kiki please I'll try to send a picture!purrs..to you Murphy

Sammie Teal - 10/27/99 19:09:46
My Email:KittyLee11@baseballmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes I have a owner. Her name is Sabrina but you can call her Tigger!!
Favorite sport: Chasing pigeons and mockingbirds and Watching baseball with my Mama.
Favorite TV show: Amazing Animals
Favorite ice cream flavor: None
Favorite cat food (cats only!): whatever my mimi buys me.
Hey, Murphy! My Mama doesn't know that I'm on the computer heheheh!! What's up? Hey My Mama is thinking about designing her own web page about the braves. I think she told me that she was going to name it "Tigger's wide world of sports".

Tamara - 10/24/99 15:35:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Rodeo/1913/tamara.html
My Email:breeze@airnet.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I own Hoomans
Favorite sport: Runnin in the house
Favorite TV show: 90210
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9-lives

RJ - 10/05/99 16:39:10
My Email:rj_gandolfo@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Not any more. "Meow" died of old age some years ago.
Favorite sport: playing:snowboarding watching:Football (go niners!)
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld/simpsons/disc. channel
Favorite ice cream flavor: all
Murphy, I'm glad I browsed through your web site. I enjoyed your mommy's pictures of her vacation. Hopefully soon, I'll get my web page up also, and have my animals up too.(sorry, I only have dogs now..........) Anyway, I saw your quote in your Catholic singles online profile and had to give you my south park quote.. Hmmmff... hmmff (clearing my throat) "No kitty....... this is my pot pie! NO KITTY!! THIS IS MY POT PIE!!! " Thank you, thank you...... ANyway, I also enjoyed your link to YAM. Too bad there isn't one out west here in California. Well, I guess that's it...? Sorry about those Falcons.... he he... Take care, RJ

Lita Trace - 10/05/99 02:32:00
My URL:/Nashville/1407/
My Email:ltrace@knology.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Cat _ Midnight
Favorite sport: football/tennis
New Page 1


We enjoyed your site.


http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1407/lita.jpg (7088 bytes)


Amy and kitties - 10/02/99 03:05:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Park/4261/tyson.html
My Email:cadwiz@cros.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Tyson, Monty, Suki and Brutus
Favorite sport: web surfing
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Cat Chow
It was fun meeting Murphy. I love his striking markings! Black and white cats are always neat looking though.

Clara Montgomery - 09/21/99 21:27:07
My Email:ERA mommy@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no
Favorite sport: football
Favorite TV show: Rugrats
Favorite ice cream flavor: rocky road
I really liked your page Murphy. Hope to meet you soon.

Karen C. Stevenson - 08/21/99 20:53:24
My URL:http://acelebrationofnature.com
My Email:Celebrat@warwick.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Cat - Monty Dog - Buckley
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Frasier
Favorite ice cream flavor: Fat-free no sugar added fudge chocolate decadence
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Friskies Kitty Stew
You have a wonderful site! I'm glad I stopped! I bookmarked it to come back and look some more!

Oliver - 08/19/99 04:20:31
My URL:http://www.parksolutions.com/oliver
My Email:oliver@parksolutions.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am a cat and i live with a cat named Vegas
Favorite sport: Mice Catching
Favorite TV show: The Meow Mix Commercials
Favorite ice cream flavor: Tuna
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Tuna
Come on over to Oliver's Place
We love to have company!! See you there!

Cheryle Bridges - 08/19/99 04:14:37
My Email:CBri808594@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes Tommy
Favorite TV show: Charmed
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Maxi Cat

martin - 08/15/99 21:12:13
My URL:http://www.bletro.nl/martin
My Email:martin@bletro.nl
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Miss saigon
Favorite sport: make it two, please
Favorite TV show: no
Favorite ice cream flavor: frikandellen
Favorite cat food (cats only!): rice crispys

Cool site.

This site made my day. Thanx for the effort and time creating and updating this place. Feel free to visit my site:

For now: Surf Save.

Greetings from the Netherlands


Estralla, Destino & Senior Tex-Mex - 08/10/99 05:11:30
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4772/main.html
My Email:ilovecats@tyler.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, 3 estralla, Destino & New Senior Tex-Mex
Favorite sport: Catnip hunting
Favorite TV show: Garfield
Favorite ice cream flavor: Catnip flavor
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina one

I enjoyed meowing around your site but now its time for me to go! I love to visit other furship members sites.

Come see us at Estralla & D stino's Home Pages

Join our webring called Furrballs on the Net

Willie (Curiosity at CLAW) - 08/06/99 08:16:40
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/SupportSt/ghuf666/index.html
My Email:qtpi1969@yahoo.com and r.kahn@worldnet.att.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: owned by 10 sweeties!!! Trouble, Curiosity, Blackie, Midnight , Liebschen, Smokie, Hootie, Coal, Snowball, Willie, and Sami
Favorite sport: bowling, basketball
Favorite TV show: Days of Our Lives
Favorite ice cream flavor: Bubble Gum
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Pounce!
Cool site...I'm gals I stopped in!!! Meows to mew...come visit mine too!!!

Pepe, siblings and their meowmie - 08/04/99 19:24:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/8181/
My Email:squeakie@gte.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We have six kitties in our family, and we feed strays.
Favorite sport: We like catch & release hunting, and meowmie likes roller blading
Favorite TV show: Anything with animals!!!
Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee ice cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): We like Natures Recipe dry cat food!
We really liked your home on the web! Murphy, you are a doll, and congratulations on being named the Prince of August in Hope's Club! Pepe was the Princess of May in the club!!! By the way, she thinks you are the cat's meow!

Kim - 08/03/99 03:48:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/KimsPages/mylove4cats.html
My Email:kokobutter@angelfire.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: His name is Brewster
Favorite sport: ??
Favorite TV show: FRIENDS
Favorite ice cream flavor: choc. chip mint
Favorite cat food (cats only!): whatever mommy has a coupon for
congrats on being the Pampered pet of the month!!

Littlefoot, Bambi & KeeKee - 08/02/99 07:43:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Pink73/MENUindex-0.html
My Email:crazy4catz@webtv.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We are cats!
Favorite sport: Stalking Spiders
Favorite TV show: auto racing - we try to catch the cars
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): All kinds!!
Meows.....You sure are a handsome boy, especially wearing your crown! We are two Pampurred Princesses and one Pampurred Prince, also; and we say you at Hope's Club. ConCATulations!! If you want, you can come and visit us...we even have our own webring. Crazy For Cats Ring.....of course! Well you keep those human slaves in line!! Purrrrssssss

Mimi - 08/02/99 03:01:41
My URL:http://members.aol.com/twotuxcats/
My Email:twotuxcats@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am a cat
Favorite sport: sleeping
Favorite TV show: anything on Animal Planet
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Cat Chow
Meows Murphy~ You sure are handsome tuxedo kitty!! Thanks so much for signing my guestbook and for inviting me to visit you. I loved your site and all your pictures. ~Purrs, Mimi

Luci - 08/01/99 07:41:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Haven/4067
My Email:catsmeow@eznet.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, her name is Pepper
Favorite sport: Baseball, and Racquetball!!
Favorite TV show: Touched by an Angel
Favorite ice cream flavor: choco. fudge brownie
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast, Sheba, Wisker Lickens (Pouches)in that order!!
Murphy, I have really enjoyed coming to your site!! Mine has a long way to go yet, but it will get there in time!! You have a great place to come and visit!!!!

Shauna Jannett - 07/26/99 02:13:56
My URL:http://www.petshow.net
My Email:shauna@petshow.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Mouse, Izzy, Jazz, Klleya, Nermal
Favorite sport: Horseback riding
Favorite TV show: Simpsons
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Techni-cal Seafood :)
I love your site, Murphy is beutiful Please stop by for a visit! -Shauna

GEORDIE - 07/19/99 15:13:59
My URL:/TheTropics/Island/9583/mainpage.html
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Mummy & Dad-dad
Just to let you know that I've moved to a new kitty cyber home ! Thx ! BTW - how was your mummy's trip to the olde' country ??

Frank Gates - 07/14/99 04:20:52
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/FGGates
My Email:fgg@nortelnetworks.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Skiing / F1
Favorite TV show: Frasier
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rum & Raison
Favorite cat food (cats only!): n/a
Hi - guestbook obligations satisfied. Busy site - loads of detail and content. I'm envious.

Alice - 06/30/99 00:17:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz/madhatteur
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, Babe
Favorite sport: Music Music Music

Globe by-Lady Gabburp's Designs Studio

Susie - 06/27/99 22:32:03
My URL:http://www.fido20.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:susie@fido20.freeserve.co.uk
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: 17 cats!
Favorite sport: Tennis
Favorite TV show: Drama/Thrillers
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla and Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Felix cat food
Hi Murphy! You're a very handsome cat, and I loved your page! Thank you for signing my guestbook! I hope your mummy has a lovely time in Britain, and if she's coming anywhere near Aberdeen, give me an email, and I'd be glad to see her and she can see m cats! Susie

GEORDIE - 06/25/99 10:33:08
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/jacqqq/homepage
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: 2 - my Mummy & Dad-dad !!
Favorite sport: Mummy thinks I'm too lazy !!
Favorite TV show: Movie- "Babe" - seriously !
Favorite ice cream flavor: aaaaarrrggghhhhh
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina Whiskers Licking treat-treats
Nose-rubs, Murphy ! Glad to know that you found a very good home after being rescued. Mummy thinks you're very photogenic. Come and visit me and ride on my "Geordie-Go-Round".Enjoy your catnip !

Miss Pinkerton - 05/27/99 20:59:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/2903
My Email:skyrket@sierra.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Own a Cat? I AM a Cat :) I own Humans!
Favorite sport: Mousing and Sleeping
Favorite TV show: Fishing World
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla and Cream!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Anything in a Can (don't like those crunchies...)
I am a memfur of Furship too, at CLAW, and am visiting all the other Memfurs to say "Rraw, rraw, MERAW.. and Mice to Meet Mew".. Come and visit me and meet my Brofur and Sisfur too (they are in CLAW too... ). And *ahem* may I say *ahem* that you are a m st distinguished and handsome Cat! My Meowmie is quite partial to Tuxedo boys! (Second of course to Tabbies LOL)

Denise Slavinski - 05/27/99 20:23:23
My Email:ski-baby@home.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: ohh, yah! Jessica, Midnight, and Zorro
Favorite sport: Horseback Riding
Favorite TV show: Frasier
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate and Coffee
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Cat Chow
I'm a Star Wars fan, as mom may have told you, so I love the music that you're playing. Where did you get that recording? Also, I want to add to Zo's bio and get Jessie and Mid on there. Tell Mom what I need to do. Denise Ski

Shirley - 05/27/99 02:06:47
My Email:shauer@animail.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: (5) Mork,Mindy,Scooter,Kinky, and Andi
Favorite sport: Denver Bronco Football
Favorite TV show: NYPD Blue
Favorite ice cream flavor: Strawberry
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast

kristi haas - 05/20/99 01:06:20
My Email:sifukristi@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: buffy
Favorite ice cream flavor: prailines and cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): not applicable
Hey, you cool cat!!! I love your site.

Jan Livermore &Kayma - 05/18/99 14:42:10
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Emmy
Favorite sport: football
Favorite TV show: Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla chocolate chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina One
Hi! Cute kitty. Talk to you later, have fun in the UK. Where are you staying there. I have many friends over there. Let me know! :)

Thomas Horne - 05/16/99 04:43:26
My URL:http://home.att.net/~tomhorne
My Email:tomhorne@yahoo.com
Favorite sport: Tennis

A wonderful website...we really enjoyed our visit...come and apply for our award...H&H Tutorials

tom and fayes

darren martin - 05/13/99 04:25:33
My Email:iceberg33@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no
Favorite sport: football
Favorite TV show: steve harvey
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla bean
Favorite cat food (cats only!): tuna
hi yvette, it's me darren (pta student)...i adore your page...p.s. forgive me if i mispelled your name...c ya soon

Marja-Riitta - 05/09/99 05:04:02
My URL:http://www.netti.fi/~deverin/
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: not anymore : (
Favorite ice cream flavor: coffee
You have a very nice page. I really enjoyed my visit.
Very impressive page.
Greetings from Finland!

jennifer z. - 05/06/99 17:42:28
My Email:JlzSlp@Juno.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: sorry- very allergic!!!
Favorite sport: dreaming
Favorite TV show: X-Files, South Park
Favorite ice cream flavor: peanut butter and choc
Hi there Yvie!!! You can finally quit yelling at me to come see your site. I have to say that it's really nice and Murph is a doll baby. Too bad the sight of him makes me itch! Keep it up and talk to ya soon. Luv, jenn

Jim Cobb - 04/29/99 02:28:27
My Email:crimsontide22@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Alabama football/Braves Baseball
Favorite TV show: Simpsons/X-Files
Favorite ice cream flavor: Strawberry
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Anything with tuna (oops)
Great page and good taste. The Braves need more loyal supporters like you and Mommy. I know this is a cat-type page and I'm kind of a dog-type guy, but hey, dogs and cats can learn to live together! Woof!

linda - 04/27/99 23:41:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~dwldk
My Email:dwldk@earthlink.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Peepers & Otto
purrs & woofs to you Murphy! We enjoyed our stay at your site, your a real cutie. Come by and see us sometime, our mommy likes to show us off too!!

Bonnie le'Purr - 04/27/99 17:46:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/1423
My Email:matchtwo@hotmail.com
Mew Murphy, Glad your feeling better. I belong to Purring Paws too. I think your awful cute! My sifur Pepper Mille'is a Purr scout too. Come visit us!

Emily Wilson - 04/24/99 21:06:10
My Email:emilyw@tamu.edu
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Sadie, Skeeter
Favorite sport: baseball, college basketball
Favorite TV show: ER, Friends, Seinfeld reruns
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina one
Great page Eve. I enjoyed it very much. Hope Murphy is feeling better. Emily

William Elliot - 04/17/99 01:04:23
My URL:http://aol
My Email:BEiiot98
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes lefty
Favorite sport: Skiing

Jennifer - 04/14/99 01:53:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jmatis/index.html
My Email:matijl@uleth.ca
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes 2. Murphy and Jerome
Favorite sport: hockey
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): kal kan
I was searching for information for my cats' homepage and I thought it would be neat to have links to other cats with my cats names and thats how I got here.

Jackie Atkinson - 04/04/99 03:31:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/odonata/index.html
My Email:jandb@netcom.ca
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Sooli, Lalique, Spikey, Delphin and Tisha
Favorite sport: Catnapping
Favorite TV show: Earth Final Conflict
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Friskies
What a purrfectly wonderful web-site! Murphy is too adorable for words. And how reassuring to know that there are others who love cats as much as I do. I have so enjoyed my visit. Purrs and warm regards - Jackie

Axel - 04/01/99 15:24:37
SSSSOOOOOOO cute --- I really enjoyed seeing all my feline friends.

Jane - 03/26/99 13:50:38
My URL:http://home.att.net/~ejlinton
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Braves Baseball!
Hi Murphy's Mom....I have enjoyed visiting your site... My family loves and supports the Braves too...We are just across town from you, near Cumberland. Thanks for a pleasant visit here and drop by our site sometime....Jane

JTBV III - 03/25/99 08:29:42
My Email:luv4cats@bellsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes Amos Leo Nikki and Zack
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Iams dry
Neat Easter page Murphy! Hello too your Mommy! :-)

Lynn Brooks - 03/25/99 04:26:26
My Email:jrbrooks@visi.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Don't have a cat, but Iove them
Favorite sport: What else? Baseball!!!
Favorite TV show: Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Great web page. Keep up the good work!

Lady Bob - 03/24/99 03:48:07
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/l/a/d/ladybob.html
My Email:karinc@mediaone.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Minicat, 7lbs. of terror
Favorite sport: hmmmmmmm, computers
Favorite TV show: ????? computers
Favorite cat food (cats only!): kibbles, any kind
Loved your pages, so colorful for Easter, Happy Easter to you. I enjoyed surfing with such ease and I have a cat who rules my dogs. I have 3 greyhounds visit my pages and learn about the plight of the ex racing greyhound. http://members.wbs.net/homepages/l/a/d/ladybob.html My Elegant Annie is in a photo contest until March 26, I would be honored if you would cast one vote. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8290/contest/index.html

Reidun Svenssen - 03/23/99 02:07:29
My URL:http://home.sol.no/~rsvensse/
My Email:rsvensse@online.no
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, - about 10, Canīt put all the names here :-)
Hi' Thank you so much for visiting Reidunīs Cat Site, and for the nice words you put about my CAT site in my guestbook :-) You have a nice cat, and a very nice CAT site yourself, and I will bookmark your place for later visits ! You are very welcome back o all my three CAT sites !

Sincerely Reidun Svenssen - - - <^..^> - - -

Paulie - 03/22/99 03:51:36
My URL:http://www.gwi.net/~paulie
My Email:paulie@gwi.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Gizmo owns me
Very nice website.

G. Baumann - 03/21/99 21:35:04
My URL:http://www.kittie-krafts.com
My Email:kittie@kittie-krafts.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, 5
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Nutro
If you spoil your kitties as much as other people do, please visit my site!

Boo & Kitty - 03/14/99 10:48:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4187/index.html
My Email:cat1966@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Boo the cat owns me
Favorite sport: playing tag with meowmie
Favorite TV show: anything on Animal Planet
Favorite ice cream flavor: orange sherbert
Favorite cat food (cats only!): meow mix
meows Murphy, You are a very handsome kitty *Purr* We enjoyed your pages furry much and will be back again soon.Thank mew fur signing our book too. See you in Furship..

Purrs & Headbutts Boo & her meowmie Kitty

Andrea and Allan Golding - 03/11/99 03:11:41
My Email:agolding@usa.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Savannah
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies n cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Nine Lives - Sliced chicken and gravy
What a wonderful site! We all enjoyed visiting, especially Savannah - she said that she would love to get to know the other cats some day...purr.... Love and hugs Andrea, Allan and Savannah Roswell, Georgia.

Max - 03/07/99 23:15:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9652
My Email:maxpoisson@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am a cat.
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: I purr for ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: catnip crunch
Favorite cat food (cats only!): tuna
Hello Murphy, You have a great site! Purrs, Max

Zyppy - 03/05/99 20:34:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Herne7/
My Email:herne7@xoommail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Rocky
Favorite sport: skiing
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolat
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina Cat Chow
:o}*****~HELLO THERE MURPHY~*****:o}
font face="bradley hand itc">I absolutely,Positively am enjoying my time spent here on your site.I think you have a great site.
*COOL SITE* ^..^

Paulie - 03/05/99 06:12:12
My URL:http://www.gwi.net/~paulie
My Email:paulie@gwi.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Gizmo
Nice website.

Susan Mahr - 03/02/99 03:29:59
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sdmahr
My Email:sdmahr@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Minnie, Mickey, Mushy & the Orphan Kitties
Favorite sport: watching ice skating:-)
Favorite TV show: Everybody Loves Raymond
Favorite ice cream flavor: Peanut Butter Cup
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Tuna, Tuna, Tuna
Thanks for coming to visit Minnie's Menagerie. We came to see your site & everyone is in love with Murphy! What a beautiful baby. Plus.. he watches TV!!! Come back soon to visit Minnie, Mickey, Mushy & the Orphan Kitties at Minnie's Menagerie.

Oliver - 03/01/99 05:49:11
My URL:http://www.parksolutions.com/oliver
My Email:oliver@parksolutions.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I'm Oliver, silly
Favorite sport: Kibble Soccer
Favorite TV show: The Meow Mix Commercials
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mouse Flavor
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Pounce Treats!
Purrs, thank you for inviting me over Murphy! I loved your site. We will come back often and visit! Keep up the purrfect work! >^..^<

Molly the Cat - 02/28/99 23:37:45
My URL:http://www.coolbabygraphics.com/molly/molly.html
My Email:queenbee@tripod.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No but I own some humans!
Favorite sport: Running from that nasty kitten Mitzie
Favorite TV show: National Geographic...BIG CATS
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Friskees in milk
Hi there Murphy,
My name is Molly and I think you're pretty handsome (wink wink). I can sit all day and look at your dreamy photos. But I don't know if a relationship could work between us, I am a very high mantainence kitty, but if that's OK with you please drop by my ide of cyberspace and visit with me.
XOXO, Molly the Cat

Linda Garvey - 02/28/99 23:29:41
My URL:http://www.catalinaislandcats.com
My Email:elanjae@catalinaislandcats.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Klooser Garvey - our youngest cat!
Favorite sport: No sports for me, but John likes football & basketball
Favorite TV show: The Visitor (now cancelled :((
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Klooser: FANCY FEAST!!!!!
I had a great time visiting Murphy's site! Great pix too! I am sending your our award, The Catalina Island Cats DREAM COME TRUE Award, since you have made Murphy's dream come true: the dream of a good life! And you are welcome to join our Catalina Isl nd Cats Dream Come True Web Ring! Happy Birthday, Murphy -- and Happy St. Paddy's Day! :D

Sage Lucinda BugBug - 02/26/99 17:58:00
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/JabberWay/daenida
My Email:cynaemon@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I own one hewmon
Favorite sport: Chasing my sisfur Daenida
Favorite TV show: Samantha the TeenAge Witch
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Whatefur my sisfur Anemone is eating
I don't care if I have delicious tuna and she has chopped liver. If she is eating it, then I WANT IT TOO. HA! Mew, Anyways, dear Murph, Thanks so much fur coming to my birfday Party. Wowsie. Mew have quite a story, and mew are even younger than I am. Pur s, Bugsy

Sage Lucinda BugBug - 02/26/99 17:55:37
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/JabberWay/daenida
My Email:cynaemon@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I own one hewmon
Favorite sport: Chasing my sisfur Daenida
Favorite TV show: Samantha the TeenA

HP Lovecraft & Cairo - 02/24/99 18:44:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/3785
My Email:dkm0006@unt.edu
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: OWN a cat?!! We ARE Cats!!!
Favorite sport: Pipe cleaner J'ai Alai
Favorite TV show: Milennium
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate Almond!!!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9 Lives Seafood Platter!
Great site Murphy! I can't wait to get back and explore the rest of it!

Sarah - 02/24/99 01:07:15
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Binks,her,yes
Favorite sport: softball
Favorite TV show: Teen Angel
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Deli Cat
My cat is all black with dark brown on her stomach. She is two years old.

kim - 02/23/99 02:53:04
My Email:ctrskja@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Jack
Favorite sport: Basketball
Favorite TV show: Mad about You
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Nutura

Violet - 02/12/99 13:06:59
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/rugrats/443/
My Email:miaviolet@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Of course! Two: Peaches & Cream, both males
Favorite sport: Swimming
Favorite TV show: Eh? Anything anime, I suppose
Favorite ice cream flavor: Royal Chocolate Mousse
Meowsers, Murphy! This is a wonderful site! Keep it up and thanks for signing my guest book!

Ally (& Mommy Lisa) - 02/10/99 21:33:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Lisa_M_K/allycat.html
My Email:lisa_knauff@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, her name is Ally
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: cookies & cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Cat Chow & Pounce!
Mew Murphy! I really like your pages! We have so furry much in common! We both live in Atlanta, we both met our mommies last year, and we're both incredibly cute! I just joined Furship Guild a few weeks ago, too! I'm also in the Purring Paws Committee and On the rowl! I'm sure we will be furry good friends! By the way, are you an indoor kitty? I am, so I like to know what other indoor kitties do for fun (besides play at CLAW of course!)

Linda - 02/09/99 00:12:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Samdo/texasdeluxe.htm
My Email:lin@viptx.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Samantha, Stretch, Stubbie & Fred
Favorite TV show: ER & Providence
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): O.N.E.
Hi Murphy: Happy Belated Birthday to your Mommie and Happy 1st Anniversary to you! You'll have to get Mommie to check out my homepage and see our "babies". We have dogs and donkeys too!! You be a good kitty!!!

Kelly Cat - 02/07/99 20:44:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kellycat/catcomic.htm
My Email:mooreje@fast.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I *AM* a cat!
Favorite sport: Broad jump onto bed at 4 a.m. when I'm hungry!
Favorite TV show: Anything on Animal Planet
Favorite ice cream flavor: Tuna, of course!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Max Cat
Happy Gotcha Day, Murphy! I read your story, and you sure are a lucky cat! Best wishes for many more, from me and my sisters Lizzie and Caitie-Belle. Oh, and happy birthday to meowmie Eve, too!

Missy, KiKi & Calli of Kittycats3 - 02/07/99 18:25:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~kittycats3/Katzs-Bakery.html
My Email:kittycats3@geocities.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Missy, Kiki, Calli, Little Mommy, Little Boy, Blackie, Grey Stripped Mommy (the last four our outside strays)
Favorite sport: Figure Skating
Favorite TV show: Early Edition
Favorite ice cream flavor: All kinds
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Meow Mix
Meraw, Murphy, we know mew havf to be a furry loving adorable kitty. Of all, the kitties we havf found homes, havfn't worked with a black & white kitty that hasn't been furry loving.. must be a trait of the Black & White's! Mew, havf, a furry pruddy, homepage...Many urrs, and headbonks... Kittycats3.

JTBV III - 02/07/99 16:32:43
My Email:luv4cats@bellsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: 4! Amos Leo Nikki & Zack
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Nature shows
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate marsmallow almond! :-)
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Iams dry
Wow, Murphy! You have been busy with your page! Good job! Happy anniversary too! You are so lucky to have a loving home and of course your Mommy is lucky to have you as well! Keep up the good work on your page, "WE" do visit often. Meows!! JT Amos Leo Nikki & Zack.

Melanie - 02/07/99 09:41:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/MelWuzHere
My Email:liable3@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Baker
Hi there! Wonderful page you have here. Keep up the good work. Take care, Melanie :)

Mysty - 02/01/99 06:01:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/6554/
My Email:mystyqcat@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Mystyque
Favorite sport: cycling
Favorite TV show: dr. who
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Whisker Lickins treats
Hi, Dropped in from Fuship office. Enjoyed your pages, pictures and story! and only a few months to baseball season! Purrs, Mysty

Otis the Cat - 01/31/99 23:34:00
My URL:http://www.chayles.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:eroticats99@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Otis,Bobby and Henry
Favorite sport: Motor Racing
Favorite TV show: Pet/Animal shelter shows in UK
Favorite ice cream flavor: ALL
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Felix,Tuna,Go-Kat

Hey you cool Kat! Liked your pages and will be vising again. Thanks for signing my CatBook and the nice comments. Will be coming again soon.

Emmy, Jazz, Tom and Belle - 01/31/99 17:28:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2231
My Email:ladyrott@geocities.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We ARE cats! PURRRs
Favorite sport: horse racing
Favorite TV show: South Park or Buffy The Vampire Slayer (I cant decide)
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Purina Special Diet
Purrrrs, Murphy! We just LOVED visiting your page! Your pictures are just great! You are one handsome tuxedo kitty! We were excited to see you have joined CLAW. You are in some of the same guilds as us, so we will surely be seing you around! *whiske twitches*

Silverkitty - 01/31/99 06:53:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1019/index.html
My Email:silverkitty@geocities.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes. Sassy, Thunder, and Mister
Favorite sport: Hockey
Favorite TV show: Emergency Vets
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip
I just LOVE the pictures of Murphy. He's sooo cute. And those poses. A real star.

victoria - 01/29/99 06:04:08
My Email:vbella@home.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Murphy!
Favorite sport: biking
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: mint chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Max Cat
My murphy is black and white too. He is very funny and crafty. I adore him and he seems to like me,too.

Mary Jane - 01/27/99 20:04:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/1932
My Email:everpro@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Cleo & Jack
Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee
Murphy is soooooo cute! He's really lucky too to have such a devoted Mom!! Come see my two "Kids". Mary Jane

Kitty Sue - 01/24/99 22:12:54
My URL:/Petsburgh/4215
Hi, I really enjoyed your site. I will have to stop by again and come back and visit me again too.


Margot - 01/24/99 14:26:52
My URL:http://huizen.dds.nl/~snitzel
My Email:snitzel@dds.nl
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, her name is DD , means in Dutch Dikkie Dik.
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fresh Fish
Hai There
Freat site you have, please come and visit my place too and read my own site called DD the cat. Klik on the menu and button My cat. Keep up the good work!!

Come and visit my site!

Nikki and Nichie - 01/23/99 10:31:52
My URL:/Petsburgh/6793
My Email:catarific@webtv.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We are the cats! We own Sue and Bruce, two humans!
Favorite sport: Climbing our Scratching Post
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and Cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Treats, of course!
Hi Murphy! Boy you are one cuuute cat! Thanks for visiting us and inviting us to your cyber home. We had a grrreat visit! Looove your pictures!!!

Nikki and Nichie - 01/23/99 10:29:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6793
My Email:catarific@webtv.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We are the cats! We own Sue and Bruce, two humans!
Favorite sport: Climbing our Scratching Post
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and Cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Treats, of course!
Hi Murphy! Boy you are one cuuute cat! Thanks for visiting us and inviting us to your cyber home. We had a grrreat visit! Looove your pictures!!!

Anne Marie - 01/22/99 16:50:34
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/gullan/
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Nisse
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fish
Hi Murphy, what a nice page you have. You are a very sweet cat.

Judy, Bob, Denise & Zorrro Slavinski - 01/22/99 01:09:24
My Email:gaffer-ski@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes Zorro, Midnight, & Jessica
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Cat Chow
Yvette - Thanks for putting Zorro on your site. He thinks that he is prettier than Murphy.- Bob Yvette- Murphy is too cool! I think my mom should give you some pictures of the other two. Hey, mom? are you seeing this? -Denise

Susie Wolfe - 01/21/99 18:01:13
My URL:http://susiewolfe.home.mindspring.com/gizmo.htm
My Email:susiewolfe@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, she owns me: Gizmo
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla -- we both like it!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet KD
Murphy is a cutie. Thanks for sharing!

martin - 01/20/99 19:53:27
My URL:http://home.wxs.nl/~m.wettum
My Email:m.wettum@wxs.nl
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Tessa
Favorite sport: darts
Favorite TV show: seinfeld
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocs
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Gourmet
Great site, You must love cats to give them such a tribute. Keep it up.

Spencer Cats - 01/18/99 20:47:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/1751/catpage.html
My Email:lolnad@snet.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We own two humans
Favorite sport: sleeping
Favorite TV show: Sabrina
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Ocean Whitefish
Us Spencer Cats stopped by to say hello. We all think you are a real nice guy Murphy. We are going to send you a Golden Tuna for your page. Regards Calvin, Claudette, Max, Lucky, Tabitha, & Sidney

Lee and Mary - 01/18/99 17:10:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/LeeSc
My Email:leescoggins@bigfoot.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Too many to name! :-)
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate!!!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Eukanuba
Murphy, You've got a great web site here! You and your mom are doing a great job. Stop by and see us at Kippy's Kat Kapers. While you're at it, scroll to the bottom of our home page a click on the button to vote for our site on the White Horse Peace Trail. We re in a competition there, and would appreciate the support.

Tigger - 01/17/99 03:26:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/Pointe/8702
My Email:cgermek@bellsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I AM a cat(& I am owned by NO ONE!)but give me a little catnip & I'll follow you anywhere!
Favorite sport: fetch
Favorite TV show: Animal Court
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky road
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Pretty much everything
Hiya Murph! Love your place-the music's great! You are a fine looking cat, and I'm purroud to welcome you to the Shelter Cat Club. I purromise to have your picture up before the weekend is over, and will send your membership card right away. Meows & pur s!

KittyKapers & Chloe - 01/14/99 15:53:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~KittyKapers/cats2.html
My Email:darrju@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: My Grandkitty, Chloe
Favorite sport: Don't have one
Favorite TV show: Anthing on A&E or Discovery
Favorite ice cream flavor: CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Any treat, of course
Thanks for stopping by and visiting me and Chole and for signing our guestbook. I think Chloe has fallen in love, she meowed and meowed when she saw Murphy (have to admit, he is a cutie). If I can help educate even one person with my pages, I have done y job. Come back soon and visit again.

marcy - 01/14/99 14:47:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/9555
My Email:mmarley@hto.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Matthew & Lucky
Favorite sport: chasing things
Favorite TV show: bird shows
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): TUNA!!!
Hey there Murphy! What a handsome devil you are and famous to boot! I'm glad you got such a nice home -- us adopted kitties got to stick together. Matthew & Lucky

Pergamond - 01/13/99 16:18:22
My URL:/Petsburgh/1041/
My Email:credo999@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am the cat. I own a hoomin. Her name is Credo.
Favorite sport: Bird Catching
Favorite TV show: Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Iams
Hi there Murphy! I love your interesting web site and I am sure that I will visit often. How can I resist such a handome cat???
Cat Street - http://travel.to/CatStreet

Susan Mahr - 01/13/99 04:02:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sdmahr
My Email:sdmahr@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Minnie, Mickey, Mushy & orphan kitties
Loved your page! Murphy is beautiful! Hey, how did you play more than one song on your page? Thanks, sdmahr Minnie's Menagerie

Renee - 01/13/99 02:01:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3157
My Email:punchubg@cyberwc.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, they own ME!
Favorite sport: ??
Favorite TV show: Frasier
Favorite cat food (cats only!): any kind good for our urinary tract!
Murphy, you are adorable! We had fun exploring your page and looking at your pictures! Come visit our page! Only pictures of Johnny are posted for now but Mom is working on adding others! Spotty, Johnny, Tonka, Iggy

Carla - 01/10/99 18:52:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/1242/boomer.htm
My Email:markhunt@execulink.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Boomer
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Dharma & Greg
Favorite ice cream flavor: creamcicle
Favorite cat food (cats only!): salmon but it gave me FUS!
Hey Murphy, it was great fun meeting you. I loved your pictures, my Mom is a photo freak too, but hey they get nice results! Thanks for signing my book as well. Thanks for sharing how important it is to get spayed or neutered. Check your mailbox for a sur rise :) Purrs from Boomer the Crazy Cat.

Slurpee - 01/09/99 04:52:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Slurpee1/
My Email:slurpee1@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I *am* a cat!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Lamb! (Yummy!!)
What a handsome guy! I'm a sucker for a black and white boy...! Nice page. :)

ms.crane - 01/07/99 21:10:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/2301
My Email:crane@aztec-net.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: 4; Zak,Blake,Denzel&Jezebel
Favorite sport: shopping!!!!!!
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
Favorite cat food (cats only!): IAMS...in the purple bag..: )
Murphy.....you are SO cute!!!!! Looks like you have a nice life with your new mommy!!!! You do a mischievious look in those BIG GREEN eyes, though! Take care and visit us too!

Belinda - 01/06/99 13:37:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2212
My Email:pacat@earthlink.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, 7 - Teenye, Buddie, Freddie, Joey, Bailey, Snyder and Shelbee
Favorite sport: Baseball - Mariners
Favorite TV show: Star Trek-Next Genenration
Favorite ice cream flavor: Butterbrickle
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Friskees
Hi, thanks for visiting us and the nice comments! You've got a Great home here and we loved the photo's... aren't you just purrrrfectly beautiful!! We invite you to join our Happiness is bei g owned by cats... webring! Your home would be a welcomed addition, hope to hear from you soon and keep up the great job, we'll be back to check out the new photo's.

Lisa - 01/01/99 01:51:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/canopy/1234
My Email:packerfan4@prodigy.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Can't have cats in our rental--But my past cat buds were: Smokey, Runt, Flame, Lil' Orange, Kitt & more.
Favorite sport: Football 1st (Green Bay Packers) & Baseball 2nd (SF Giants)
Favorite TV show: Star Trek--All versions
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast
What a wonderfully fun page you have! I can't have any kitties where I live but you have inspired me to make a tribute page w/all my cat friends from long ago---& Murphy--they give ya a "tails-up" from the Rainbow Bridge:)

Bravo29 - 12/31/98 23:14:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/3682
My Email:Bravo29_98@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Simba
Favorite sport: Baseball!!! BRAVES!
Favorite TV show: King of the Hill/Babylon 5
Favorite ice cream flavor: All of them!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Chef's Blend
Hi Murphy and Mom!! :-) Love the New Year Decorations, and the dancing baby! Too Cute! Not as cute as Murphy in Chop Talk, of course!! Congratulations!! Hope that you all have a GREAT NEW YEAR!

Renee Avery - 12/31/98 05:32:29
My Email:ravery6622@aol.com
hey buddy! luv the site :)

Lisa - 12/31/98 02:03:17
My URL:/Petsburg/5150
My Email:llschlen@iname.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Sure do...Simba and Nala
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite TV show: Party of Five
Hello Murphy! Just stopping by to say Happy New Year! Love what you have done to the page! Our favorite picture is of you stalking your mouse....our mommy has to make sure to get wild colored ones as we love to bring the live things into the house for er *she gets very upset with us!* Don't celebrate with too much catnip tomorrow night! Purrs and HUGS!

Laura Summers - 12/30/98 15:19:39
My Email:lssags@bellsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes (3) Inky, Dizmo, Spike
Favorite sport: I guess reading isn't a sport?
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Iams chicken with broth
I work with Terri Barrenechea who said I should say she said hi.

Maxine - 12/30/98 01:54:11
My URL:http://www.bratcats.com
My Email:maxine@bratcats.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Brandee, Dondee, Gatsby
Favorite TV show: Law and Order
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast
Thanks for visiting The BratCats and signing our guestbook. Your site is wonderful and Murphy is such a beautiful kitty. You just want to pick him up and give him a bear hug (and perhaps lose a finger or two...LOL!) Be on the lookout for something in t e mail.

Spotmeister The Red Makerel Tabby Cat - 12/28/98 04:45:52
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/spotmyster/index.html
My Email:Spotmyster@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Spotmeister
Favorite sport: Walking
Favorite TV show: Dharma & Greg
Favorite ice cream flavor: eeeeww!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Nutro Max
What a beautiful kitty you are Murphy! You remind me of SOCKS the White House kitty but i think you are much more adorable! Please Visit my website soon and please sign the guestbook so i will have known you came by! Cya!

Hope's Mom - 12/10/98 03:53:48
My URL:/~hopesmom
My Email:hopesmom@suite224.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: She owns me..her name is Hope
Favorite sport: baseball-Cleveland Indians(sorry)
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: DQ vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): I feed her Petguard Premium, she prefers orange cookies though
Hi Eve & Murphy...thanks for inviting us! Murphy, you sure a REAL dollbaby and your page is just darling. You and your Mom have done a good job!

Karen Simon (Artist's Way class) - 12/05/98 02:22:58
My Email:KSimon@gateway.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: dog - Maggie
Favorite sport: varies
Favorite TV show: Frazier; Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Hey Beth! I really enjoyed Murphy's web page. I admire anyone who knows their way around the Internet and how to do more than basically type (like me).

Kathy & Jim Vaughn - 11/25/98 02:41:49
My Email:jsvaughn@bellsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Scuba diving
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: Ben & Jerry's NY Fudge Chunk
We are friends of you aunt Terri B. She is such a wonderful person. She was telling me about your site and we thought we would take a look around. Have a great Thanksgiving.

jim curran - 11/24/98 23:12:55
My Email:jim.curran@juno.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no, just 2 cockatiels
Favorite sport: frisbee
Favorite TV show: star trek - voyager
Favorite ice cream flavor: moose tracks- mayfield
Favorite cat food (cats only!): sorry
enjoyed the new seasonal look. also liked some of your links. murphy's a lucky cat. :-)

lisa - 11/19/98 14:33:49
My Email:fizzam@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no - dogs only!
Favorite sport: hockey
Favorite TV show: er
Favorite ice cream flavor: phish food
thanks for sharing your page, murphy!!

Terri Barrenechea - 11/17/98 23:56:50
My Email:terrib@belsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Boating
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road
I love this site. Murphy looks rather familiar to me! He seems to be a very happy young man despite the way the Braves' season ended. Good for him! I'll keep checking back. By the way, your cousins, Rambo and Bambi, thought this was a cool place to heck out for a cat :) Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

anita moore - 11/15/98 04:26:42
My Email:bomor@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes-21-Show Cats-Some show up--some don't. They are darling strays in the 4th generation.
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: Young & Restless Soap--about once every 3 weeks
Favorite ice cream flavor: Edy's Cookie Dough
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Leftovers from family
Hi Yvette. It was great meeting you in class. Hope to see you again. I'll enjoy your WebPage--now on favorites. Anita Moore

Amy P - 11/10/98 01:36:15
My Email:amypearman@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Sophie
Favorite sport: football
Favorite TV show: Darma and Greg, Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: B and R pralines and cream
I am soooo impressed. You are a computer whiz in my book. Cute cat and love those Easter shots!!

Chung Choi - 11/05/98 17:34:18
My Email:ccchoi@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: FRIENDS
Favorite ice cream flavor: CHOCOLATE
Yvette, i really like the website!!!! Your cat's(Murphy's) so cute.......

Mimi - 11/05/98 00:07:59
My Email:mlb@dhr.state.ga.us
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: Spin City
Favorite ice cream flavor: lemon custard
Hey Murph! I sure like your friend Andres and all his cats! Wooohoo! This webpage is TOTALLY KOOL! It is really special! Murph, your mom was the cutest little girl! Just so precious just like you! Both of you keep up the good work! I am really impressed w th all that I read and looked at! Well done! Just Beautiful! Hugs & Smooches!

Spinner - 11/02/98 05:47:55
My Email:ppotter@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I AM a cat!
Favorite sport: chasing anything that moves
Favorite TV show: I'm sorta partial to those shows on Animal Planet
Favorite ice cream flavor: whichever one meowmie is eating
Favorite cat food (cats only!): FISH!!!
My sisters, Pookie and Amber, and me sure like your page. We especially liked that white thingy that moved at the bottom of your page, but meowmie wouldn't open the window. Fuzzzt!

Teresa - 11/02/98 00:02:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/1673
My Email:harleyangel13@hotmail.com
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Touched By An Angel, The X-Files
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Hi Eve baby!! I absolutely love your website!! You've done a great job and I love all your icons and decorations also. I miss you dearly hon. Write me soon :-)

Zachary Tucker - 10/30/98 20:36:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Zacharys_Zoo/index.html
My Email:srtucker@airmail.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Raja, Simba, Nala & Roo
Favorite sport: Playing in my Exersaucer!
Favorite TV show: Teletubbies
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mom won't give me any yet
Favorite cat food (cats only!): smelly Unique Sardines & Science Diet Feline Maintenance
What a fun page! I'm supposed to be sleeping in my crib, but I snuck out to look for other cats on the 'net. Not bad typing for an almost 8 month old. Better get back to my bed before Mom finds me! Hugs & Kisses, Zachary

Louise Jones - 10/24/98 15:56:58
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/5925
My Email:louisejoness@webtv.net
Hi Murphy, You have a great site! You are very fortunate to have such adorable friends and a very creative and talented mom. I really enjoyed your pictures. A FUN Site!!!! Louise

Louise Jones - 10/24/98 15:56:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/5925
My Email:louisejoness@webtv.net
Hi Murphy, You have a great site! You are very fortunate to have such adorable friends and a very creative and talented mom. I really enjoyed your pictures. A FUN Site!!!! Louise

Terry - 10/23/98 16:49:30
My Email:tholthau@bcpl.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Bert & Watson
Favorite sport: Baseball - Orioles & Braves
Favorite cat food (cats only!): cantaloupe?!
Very cute page. Bert & Watson are Braves and Orioles fans who live in Baltimore within walking distance of Camden Yards! Although Bert & Watson are indoor cats, their mom is an Orioles' season ticket holder who gets to walk over to the stadium. They wa ch on TV!

phillie - 10/22/98 12:40:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2185
My Email:phillie1@cheerful.com
I saw you link on another site and thought i would stop by for a visit. You are adorable =o)

Nicole - 10/19/98 00:48:43
My URL:http://pantheon.yale.edu/~ned5
My Email:bravesrule2001@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Nope... but I have a dog named Kelsey.
Favorite sport: Baseball!
Favorite TV show: MTV's "The Real World" and "Road Rules"
Favorite ice cream flavor: Butter Pecan & Cookie N' Cream (but not together!)
Just wanted to wish Murphy a Happy 1st Birthday. Hope you had a great one and lots of kitty birthday cake. Happy Birthday Murphy! =o)

Kenny - 10/16/98 00:35:48
My Email:acman@in-city.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Angel
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: 3rd Rock and Seinfeld
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Special Kitty
Happy Birthday Murphy from Angel! *MEOW*

Angie Amon - 10/15/98 14:42:32
My Email:Angie.Amon@cox.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Bonepaurte
Favorite sport: BASEBALL!!!
Favorite TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite ice cream flavor: Coffee
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet
I'm Tom Amon's (manager of Fastball)wife and I'm disappointed to find that he doesn't know how to spell his son's name!

Aunt Tonya - 10/15/98 06:43:29
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BratPack
My Email:bratpack@xoommail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Bunches/ not enough space
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet, tuna if you won't tell mommy
Happy Birthday Godson Murphy!! I am so happy you get to have a birthday unlike so many other kitties that there are not enough homes for. You are a lucky little boy to have such a good mommy, hope your birthday is special. Big Hugs from your God sisters a d brothers!! *meow*

Pottie - 10/09/98 05:38:12
My Email:ppotter@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Spinner, Pookie, Amber all girls
Favorite sport: baseball & hockey
Favorite TV show: 3rd Rock
Favorite ice cream flavor: Jamacain mocha almond fudge
Favorite cat food (cats only!): fish fish fish!
Hey Murphy! We were glad to see your pictures, you are a purry handsome guy! *giggle*

Robin - 10/05/98 14:00:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6027
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Squeek
Favorite sport: softball
Nice job on the homepage...Really enjoyed my visit here...

Catnip Calico - 09/29/98 14:18:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~catnipcalico/
My Email:catnipcalico@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, 3 of them -- Bloomer, Twinkle and Raow. Come meet them at our cyberhome!
Favorite sport: Swimming
Favorite TV show: Many
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla (and blueberry too)
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Eukanuba dry food, any types of canned food and Pounce cat treats!!
Hi Murphy, great site! I enjoyed looking through your photos. Some of them were funny! You're such a nice-looking tuxedo! Keep up the furrtastic work here! Purrs to you and your meowmie!

Click to visit Catnip Calico's Popoki Corner -- lots of cat stuff,
graphics, stories, humor, photos, polls, fun and much more!
FREE graphics at Catnip Calico's Animal Design Studio

~Unique~ - 09/28/98 13:19:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3470
My Email:always_unique@unforgettable.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I did
Favorite sport: football
Your site is delightful, and i will be back to help you celebrate your birthday. *w*

Kori - 09/27/98 18:37:04
My URL:/Paris/Rue/1199
My Email:kitkatt22@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Not right now
Favorite sport: Volleyball
Favorite TV show: Seventh Heaven
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chip :)
I enjoyed looking through your page very much. In our lives, we've had several cats, but one special one really touched our hearts. He was the exception to every rule that make people NOT like cats (yeah there are some out there if you can believe it!) nd his name was Hobbes :) Keep up the great work on your pages! ~Kori

Petrina - 09/27/98 05:02:48
My URL:http://geocities.com/Yosemite/Geyser/4993/
My Email:richpet@gateway.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Townshend. He passed away in Feb. He was my families cat. I miss him so much.
Favorite sport: to watch on tv? none. In person? Baseball.
Favorite TV show: right now? I work in the evenings, so I don't get to watch much tv. Ask My husband and he will say I love anything on the Home & Garden Channel.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip
Eve, I love your page! Murphy is adorable! I found your page as a link on Tonya's page. She is my in-laws neighbor. We have a yellow lab named Charlie who makes an appearance on Tonya's page. come and see him!!

Bre Teal aka "TIGGER" - 09/25/98 06:43:11
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, I do own a cat. Her name is Sammie. She is an american shorthair.
Favorite sport: BASEBALL!!! AND FOOTBALL!!!
Favorite TV show: Friends
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Sammie's favorite food is Friskees canned cat food and dry food. She shares her canned cat food with an Akita named Sable
Eve-- I love your webpage!! Murphy is soooooooo adorable. Growing up my role model was Dale Murphy too!! I wanted to be like him. That's probably the reason why I started to play softball.. We need more role models like him. IF we could just bottle up Mur h into tiny bottles , so we could have him forever!! Well Got to GO!! Talk to ya on the post! BYE!!

Sunny - 09/20/98 21:15:45
My Email:bbabes4@swbell.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Bailey, Ally Nicci, Crisco and Clover
Favorite sport: baseball!!
Favorite TV show: Braves baseball, 90210
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and Cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet
Hey Miss Eve!! I have five cats in my household and hopefully will be able to send a picture of them all to Murphy's page!! Love it SO much- and give Murphy a good scratch behind the ears for me :o) Hope to see you on the Braves page and thanks for lettin me know about the site!! Got it bookmarked :o)

CatAnna - 09/19/98 22:08:04
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/CatAnna
My Email:catanna@compuserve.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Monday
Favorite sport: rollerblading
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: cookies & cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): catfish from mommie's plate
Murphy, you're a very photogenic feline and your site is great fun. We're very happy to give you and your Mommy The Meditative Cat's Heavenly Cat Site Award. Purrs from Monday!

Dana - 09/13/98 23:11:19
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/9503/
My Email:Danacool1@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Nope, only Champ, my cocker spaniel.
Favorite sport: babseball
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow...
Hi! Great Homepage and great pictures!! They were just fab!! Come down to our homepages sometime, we love visitors. Just be careful! My dog is always on the prowl {ruff,ruff!!} Keep cool...~dana & babs~ P.S. I found your homepage through Heartland Select!

Millicat - 09/08/98 20:01:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5255/
My Email:semesar@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Two cats, Nekku and Milli
Favorite sport: swimming
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: maplenut
Hi! I like your page. You have nice pictures. Murphy is so very cute.

Charlie - 09/07/98 17:37:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/7378
My Email:CBarth5632@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: we own 7
Favorite TV show: er
Hi, you are one great looking cat. And you have a wonderful site. keep up the good work.

Bravo29 - 09/06/98 02:19:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/midfield/3682
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Simba (male)
Favorite sport: BASEBALL!!
Favorite TV show: Babylon 5 (right now!)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Choco Chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Chrfs Blend (Crunchies ONLY!)
Great Site! Murphy did a good job on his page, and you should be real proud of him!!!! :-) Go Braves!

Leigh Anne - 09/04/98 23:51:59
My Email:Bravgirl18@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Alex
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: The Wonder Years :-)
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): "anything from the ocean" -Alex
Hey Murphy! What a great page you have. I bet you're glad that your mommy let you use her computer. Alex wants me to tell you hey! You're lucky to have a great mom like Eve. She's a sweetie! :-)

Denise - 09/04/98 03:55:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/3295/
My Email:Dee46@goplay.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: nope
Favorite sport: swimming
Favorite TV show: Walker, TX Ranger
Favorite ice cream flavor: orange sherbert
Favorite cat food (cats only!): none
a very cute page

Callandra - 08/30/98 04:57:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/dsgr/
My Email:serena1121@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Tiger
Favorite sport: Gymnastics
Favorite TV show: The X-Files
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Meow Mix
great site! you r really cute, and i luv this place!!!

Ditto & Lucky - 08/28/98 17:15:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9012
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, Ditto & Lucky
Favorite sport: Basketball
Favorite TV show: Garfeild!
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Choclate chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Tuna flavor!!
Great site, we really enjoyed it!! Keep up the good work!!

Susan Cook - 08/27/98 02:03:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4521
My Email:jusan@intergate.bc.ca
Favorite sport: skating
Favorite TV show: The Simpsons
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate Ripple
Murphy is soooooo cute! :) And he's lucky to have a loving, responsible mom who had him neutered and takes great care of him. Please drop by my page and check out my cat stuff, and leave your paw-print! :)

Kathy - 08/26/98 18:24:12
My URL:/~kbrezins/
My Email:Evergreen_Farm@bigfoot.com
Favorite sport: horseback riding
Favorite TV show: 3rd Rock
Just wanted to leave a note to Thank~you for joining Hearts Around Heartland~!~ I enjoyed my visit again :o) Keep up the super work! Have a great day!
Kathy & "The Gang"

Lisa - 08/24/98 00:26:52
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/7083
My Email:llschlen@midplains.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yup! Simba and Nala
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite TV show: Party of Five
Favorite ice cream flavor: French Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9Lives canned
Hello Murphy! Thanks for visiting our page and directing us over here! We feel very honored that you think our page is among your favorites! Purrrs! We loved playing here....MEOW! Our mommie says to watch your mail for a surprise!

SweetPea - 08/20/98 23:24:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/4163
My Email:lbrubaker@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, I'm Sweetpea & my pet is Patches
Favorite sport: soccer
Favorite TV show: X File of course
Favorite ice cream flavor: mmm, choco&pb
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Chef's Blend
It's so nice to meet you Murphy. You are georgeous. Come by and say "meow" in my guestbook. I think youre the "cat's meow", your admiror, SweetPea

Kathy - 08/20/98 04:19:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kbrezins/
My Email:Evergreen_Farm@bigfoot.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes
Favorite sport: Horseback riding
Favorite TV show: 3rd Rock
Favorite ice cream flavor: Butter Pecan
Favorite cat food (cats only!): everything :o)
Just a note to thank you for joining Heartland Select! Your place is great! I really love the pictures, very nice quaility :o) Keep up the super work!!
Kathy & Heartland Select

Lu - 08/15/98 21:33:04
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/5891/
My Email:goluho@t-online.de
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no
Hallo, hier ist die Lu. Wundervolle Webseite! Viele Grüße aus Germany von Lu

Kim - 08/11/98 14:40:23
My Email:k_peak@yahoo.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No--plan to in the future
Favorite sport: Baseball, football
Favorite TV show: The X-Files
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate Almond
You are such a cutie! My old roomate has had several cats named after Braves players -- Maddie (for Greg Maddux), Addie (for Atlanta Braves), and she currently has a Javi and a C. J. (for Chipper Jones, although he is often called Poop Jones). She also ad a Murphy!

Bella - 08/10/98 15:25:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/7014/
My Email:amarka@uic.edu
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, but I had a cat named Vasya.
I really enjoyed your page!

Jerseygirl - 08/09/98 05:14:03
My Email:Gbs001@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Kitty- Jill and 2 dogs, KC and I call him Goober, but his given name at the shelter is Bear
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Life in the ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: Fudge Swirl
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet
Great page Murphy and Eve! Murphy is so talented with his HTML skills and the 'new keyboard.' My kitty Jill is so aloof! But you gotta love her. Keep up the good work and Murphy you are one "Top Cat.'

CM - 08/07/98 22:53:04
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: JK
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: ewww..
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Kitten Chow
Hey Eve... I hate to admit that I had never heard of your kitty's namesake til I came to the forum and had never seen a picture of him before I visited your page. Thanks for enlightening me. ;-)

Matthew - 08/07/98 04:59:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/brave3/murphy.htm
My Email:Brave3@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: used to :( Luke and BoJo
Favorite sport: BASEBALL!
Favorite TV show: Law & Order
Favorite ice cream flavor: Peanut Butter/Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Friskies was their fav
Hey Eve, nice page! Yep, my first thought when I saw the cat's picture -- DALE! LOL I'll add your Murphy page and your picture with Murph to the page ASAP. Thanks again for all your help with the DMIS!!! BCNU -- Matthew

Linda - 08/03/98 03:16:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz/wildwindirishsetters
My Email:wildwindsetters@webtv.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Micestro and Camille
Favorite sport: dog shows
Favorite TV show: all my children
Favorite ice cream flavor: peanut butter and chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): craw fish (fresh of coarse)
cute cat!!!

Kimmie & Spider - 08/02/98 16:13:37
My Email:Kimmie0121@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Spider
Favorite sport: baseball, football and college Basketball
Favorite TV show: 3rd Rock from the Sun and the Outer Limits
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Frisky
Cute page Murph and Spider said she'd date ya anytime *LOL* Keep up the good work Eveie and Murph.

Jordan Bradlely - 08/01/98 21:47:26
My Email:peaches-8@rocketmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: yes, Sydney
Favorite sport: baseball and basketball (my nana told me to put these!)
Favorite TV show: Rugrats
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate ( i love ice cream!)
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet (jordan says he just eats kitty food! LOL)
My name is Jordan, my aunt is Nana. I am 4 years old, so my Nana is helping me type this. I liked all of the pictures you have on your page. I think you're cute. I like your page.

Drew - 08/01/98 19:55:43
My Email:ezell@ala.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes...his name is Muffin and he lives with my granny
Favorite sport: baseball and racing
Favorite TV show: rugrats
Favorite ice cream flavor: strawberry
I love your page! Miss Eve, you and Murphy have done a great job. As soon as my Mom takes it , I will send you a picture of my Muffin.

Mamadwg - 07/31/98 21:10:47
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, 3 Cat Loving Dogs: Chelsea, Sue, and Tara
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Trauma: Life in the ER
Favorite ice cream flavor: Black Walnut
Favorite cat food (cats only!): All the dogs eat Science Diet cat food whenever they can.
It's a great webpage Eve and Murphy. Cats are just one of God's gifts.

riccgirl - 07/31/98 21:03:59
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes. Her Majesty goes by 'Mishka'
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: The Crocodile Hunter
Favorite ice cream flavor: Blue Moon
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet (shrimp flavor ONLY)
What a wonderful webpage! I just love it. Mishka enjoyed the photos of other felines as much as I did. I will get a picture of her to you so you can add her to Murphy's friends gallery. Then you'll also see why she is known as 'Her Majesty'! LOL

Milo - 07/30/98 19:26:19
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am a cat
Favorite sport: sleeping
Favorite TV show: Braves Baseball
Favorite ice cream flavor: any kind
Favorite cat food (cats only!): friskies canned food

Tom Hansen - 07/29/98 04:05:55
My Email:hansen@ittwd.co.jp
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: no
Favorite sport: basaeball
Favorite TV show: Braves baseball (when I can get it on tape)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rum Raisin
Greetings from Tokyo !Very nice site. I enjoyed the Dale Murphy facts.

Tonya (Murphy's Godmother) - 07/27/98 04:46:15
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yeah right, like they'd all fit here.
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Friends, X-Files
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla and Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Science Diet
Wow, what a great website. Chipper looks like my Sammi, a flame point, only Sammi is much fatter. I may have to start my own cats page, if we send pics to Murphy, it will fill his site up. Murphy sure has grown up since this past winter.

Dana - 07/27/98 00:55:43
My Email:dntaylor@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes - Samantha
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Ally McBeal
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Cat Chow
What a little cuite! Murphy - you're a little young for my Sammy, but you're a real looker! She says "Meow!" : )

Mary Ellen Willis (one of Pam's customers) - 07/27/98 00:02:15
My Email:catspurr@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Jeremy and Audrey
Favorite sport: none
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cherry Garcia (B&J)
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Iams and Eukenuba
Your web site is precious. Murphy is beautiful. I'll send you a photo of my two cats.

Lisa Berinato - 07/25/98 15:16:43
My Email:gpgoodman@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Savannah & Finigan
Favorite sport: Football of course
Favorite TV show: Law & Order
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Sensible Choice ( Tuna & Bananas)
Hi Yvette this is Greg since LISA is to lazy to type comments! Very nice web page. We'll provide photo's of our "little gems" since I have no way of scanning or loading them on. See ya.

Robi - 07/25/98 14:42:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/8097
My Email:lemkeslady@geocities.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Her name is Samantha
Favorite sport: Baseball of course (Go Braves!)
Favorite TV show: "s" Melrose, 90210, Buffy, Dawson's Creek, Nikita
Favorite ice cream flavor: Pistachio
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Sam's is Friskies (sliced please)
You've done a wonderful job so far with the page Murphy and Eve!! I'll have to send you a photo of Samantha! She's a little older than Murphy but I think they'd get along just fine!! ;-)

Pam - 07/25/98 02:44:18
My Email:robpamhughes@mindspring.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes, Pepper & Cassie
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite TV show: Friends, Days of Our Lives
Favorite ice cream flavor: Banana
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Iams dry
Hi Yvette & Murphy! Your sight is great! Murphy is BEAUTIFUL! I don't have a scanner yet so I can't send pictures of my babies, but hopefully soon. Take care, Pam

Clayton - 07/25/98 02:36:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com//Colosseum/Arena/7339
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: JK *Justa Kitty*
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: ESPN's Sport Center
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Kitten Chow
Your kitty sure is cute Miss Eve. I love my new kitty soooo much.

Jethro Tull - 07/25/98 00:30:26
My URL:members.xoom.com/tributemw/us.html
My Email:ngilbert@inu.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, but I have a big dog
Favorite sport: chasing bugs at night
Favorite TV show: any show that has bugs near the screen
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Friskies Kitten (it's double basted)
I love your page Murphy. Check mine out. We look alike, huh? Do you like to chase baseballs?

ABravesFan - 07/24/98 02:16:07
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No
Favorite sport: Depends on the season
Favorite TV show: M*A*S*H
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies N Cream
Nice Page just wanted to say hi

Nicole - 07/23/98 21:01:05
My URL:http://pantheon.yale.edu/~ned5
My Email:bravesrule2001@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, but I have a cute dog and her name is Kelsey!
Favorite sport: Baseball, of course!
Favorite TV show: MTV's "The Real World" and "Road Rules"
Favorite ice cream flavor: Butter Pecan & Cookies N' Cream
Hey Eve and Murphy! I love your web page! What a great idea. And Murphy is such a cutie pie! Keep up the great work. And thanks for putting a link to my page... will put a link to yours on mine as soon as I have time to update my page. GO BRAVES and GO KLESKO! ;o)

Megan - 07/23/98 20:49:35
My Email:msl47@juno.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Ashputell, Cuddles, & Casey
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: I Love Lucy or Hangin' With Mr. Cooper
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9 Lives (Seafood Platter)
Cute cat! A web page is a great idea. I can't wait to check the whole thing out!

wheatley - 07/23/98 12:54:40
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: McBeth
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: ESPN Sports Center
Favorite ice cream flavor: Heath Bar
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Chicken and Liver
You are adorable Murphy and I might add that the person you were named after is a very special man.

Amos Leo Nikki Zack - 07/23/98 03:35:07
My Email:luv4cats@bellsouth.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: We own two humans
Favorite sport: Playing with little mices
Favorite TV show: none
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate marsmallow almond
Favorite cat food (cats only!): IAMS DRY!!
Sniff Sniff!! Our lazy Daddy won't make us a home page. Mommy doesn't know how so we have to rely on him!! One day maybe it will happen. Murphy, you have a really meow page and your mommy's is meow too! Maybe you will see us soon!

April - 07/22/98 22:33:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/8843
My Email:javy@nconline.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No..but i have 2 dogs.
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: TOO many to name
Favorite ice cream flavor: I have a few
Murphy and Eve the page looks GREAT!! I don't mind you putting a link to my page. I'm going to put one on my page for yours...

Jackie (Japo) - 07/22/98 15:46:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/jackienott
My Email:japo@rocketmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: her name is Tina
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Conan O'Brien
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast and Science Diet
Cool page! Murphy's really cute!

bravav21 - 07/22/98 03:04:46
My Email:vparks@fone.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: brownie(her) and mort(him)
Favorite sport: baseball/hockey
Favorite TV show: hmm....braves games?
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): brownie--friskies mort--generic kind my brother--lol...j/k
aw, what a cutie pie! Nice page too!

Kenny Harwell - 07/22/98 02:13:32
My Email:acman@in-city.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Yes--Angel
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Special Kitty (Wal-Mart)
This is cool Eve! I'll have to find a way to get a picture of mine to you to put in the gallery.

Junior via my mom, Pepe - 07/22/98 01:24:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/stadium/8289
My Email:TheGirlsNY@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: I am a cat! My sister's name is Princess
Favorite sport: Baseball...I love to chase it!
Favorite TV show: Meow, meow, meow!
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road
Favorite cat food (cats only!): 9 Lives and Meow Mix Dry!
Murphy! I love your page! I am going to have mommy scan my picture for you! Maybe Princess' too! : ) Keep up the good work. Your mom should be very proud!!!

Patti - 07/21/98 23:56:13
My URL:/Colosseum/Midfield/7026/
My Email:ezell@ala.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No :-(
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: rugrats
Favorite ice cream flavor: CHOCOLATE
Great job Eve and Murphy!!! I love it. Keep up the good work. I will come back and visit often.

Liza - 07/21/98 21:36:51
My Email:lizaweathy@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Gizmo and Chester
Favorite sport: hockey and baseball
Favorite TV show: Headline News
Favorite ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip
How cute! Murph's a doll. Can't wait to see more pictures!

Sue D. - 07/21/98 20:45:56
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Her name is Hairy
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: Melrose Place
Favorite ice cream flavor: strawberry
Favorite cat food (cats only!): anything expensive
Excellent job!! Your little Murphy is such a sweet looking kitty. I really like his mouth. He's a lucky thing to have found his way to you. Keep up the good work! Hairy sends Murph a big kiss!

Eddie (Jr!) - 07/21/98 16:45:58
My Email:ED316DX@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: nope
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: South Park
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Hey Yvette and Murphy!!! Geez, am I the only one here without a cat? I guess I shouldn't mention Pepper, huh Eve? LOL, well, Murphy, you're a cute kitty, and Yvette, the sites GREAT!!!

Grandma Dora - 07/21/98 16:28:31
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Becky/Carmen/Chipper
Favorite sport: baseball
Favorite TV show: Frasier
Favorite ice cream flavor: moose tracks
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Meow Mix
Good job Murphy! Grandma's proud of you. Tell your mommy she did a good job too. Becky, Carmen and Chipper say they want their pictures on there too. Be good, sweetie...

Leslie - 07/21/98 14:47:40
My Email:swedes@alltel.net
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: female--Scooter
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: ER/X-Files
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Nine Lives
Eve and Murph, This page is just too cute. My Mommy will send you a picture of me, since we don't have a scanner. Love Scooter (and Mommy too)

katty - 07/21/98 04:41:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7026
My Email:you have it
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: 4 of them; Taffy, Bootsie, Puffy and PK **witch is mine**
Favorite sport: Football/Baseball
Favorite TV show: dont have time to watch tv
Favorite ice cream flavor: Choc.
Favorite cat food (cats only!): PK---Fancy feast, Taffy-N-Bootsie----9 nines, Puffy---dry food
Cute page and of course I will be sending a picture of my perfect sweet fur ball. Great start Eve!! Keep it up!!!

Deanna - 07/21/98 04:38:04
My Email:peaches-8@rocketmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: several actually, Mama Kitty, Buttons, Junior, and 4 kittens who have yet to be named!!
Favorite sport: Braves baseball and Bulls basketball!
Favorite TV show: ER, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, and old reruns of Martin!
Favorite ice cream flavor: um....dont' really have a favorite!
Favorite cat food (cats only!): actually, my cats prefer dog food!! the kittens like meow mix, but their mommy LOVES dog food!
woo-hoo! way to go Murphy and Eve. I'm so proud, and impressed! y'all have done so good with this page! I've definately got it bookmarked. OH, and Murphy...my Mommy wants me to tell you that she thinks you're adorable!!!! ;-) Can't wait for more pics nd stuff!!!!

Duckie - 07/21/98 04:21:12
Favorite sport: Atlanta Braves Baseball
Favorite ice cream flavor: hmm... Phish Food, of course!
hey Murphmeister and Evey! you did a REALLY great job on the page!! i'm SO impressed!! hey roomie... maybe i'll get to visit you for a few in August, better behave ;o) and mommy dearest, i WILL see you in August! (i won't tell you to behave... hehe) say hi to the Southern Fam y'all!! XOXO

Kristi - 07/21/98 04:03:05
My Email:kbc@sisna.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Why yes, I do! Gordon B. Twinklie and Bolo
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: M*A*S*H
Favorite ice cream flavor: Bubble gum
Favorite cat food (cats only!): meow mix
Eve & Murphy...It's looking good! I'm so excited that you finally got this thing done, well, halfway anyways! Good luck on the rest! Krusti

Amanda Jennings (aka. Peaches, GLAV47....several spices) lol - 07/21/98 03:21:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/park/3743
My Email:GLAV47@aol.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: Nope....
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite TV show: Hmmm...South Park
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and Cream or Strawberry.
Favorite cat food (cats only!): Fancy Feast! Oh wait, just for cats huh? nevermind..forget I said it..lol
Nice page Murph and Eve! Congratulations! See, webpages are not that hard. So, when are you going to get on SNF and have to say your long URL for everyone on the radio, so IJ can laugh at you? lol.....

Murphy - 07/15/98 22:02:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/5911/
My Email:murphycat3@hotmail.com
Do you own a cat? His/her name?: No, but I own a human!
Favorite sport: baseball, of course
Favorite TV show: Blue's Clues (as long as the puppy doesn't come out of the screen)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mommy won't let me eat ice cream
Favorite cat food (cats only!): KITTEN CHOW!!!
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