Welcome to Ape's Shar-Pei Home Page!
Welcome to Ape's Shar-Pei!
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Last update: 8/1/2002

Animations by (c) Kitty Roach
For your listening pleasure, "Dey-O!" (The Banana Boat Song)
Hello, I am April, of Ape's Shar-Pei. My husband Marty and I adopted our first Shar-Pei child 15 years ago, and have been enraptured with the breed ever since. We do not breed very often (our last litter was whelped 12/9/98), but when we do breed, health is our number one priority! We purposely do not have many dogs at the time, so that we have plenty of time to give each dog ... and ALL of our dogs are spoiled, rotten, little beasts! Our puppies are raised inside our home, and are always well socialized when they go to their new homes. I hope that you enjoy seeing our "Pei-bies", and that you visit our other Shar-Pei on our site dedicated to the Flowered Shar-Pei (the link is listed below)! Thanks for stopping by!
Ape's Chinese Shar-Pei
April Neel
© 1997 apespei@aol.com
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All information and .jpgs are the property of April Neel of Ape's Shar-Pei. You must ask my permission to use any of the information or pictures on this page. Thanks!