
The Rambling Irishman A great site for Christian Homeschooled Teens. It's cool!

Cooking links

Good Cooking I haven't checked this one out much, so please e-mail me with your comments.

Gardening Links

Garden Web This is a wonderful page (part of the Virtual Library)and a big advantage is that they have pages for all different countries.

GardeningThis is a gardening encyclopedia based in the U.S.A.

General Links

Burkes Backyard This is the web page of an Australian lifestyle TV program. Fact sheets on the segments of the show are really good, and they contain all the information you need. Please note: all recipe measurements are to Australian stantards.

Disney This is the Walt Disney site, and it's fun to explore.

Gemma's Place This is my sister's page and it's definately worth a visit.

My Chamber o' Fun A very talented girl with a wonderful page. Worth a visit!

Emma's Web Castle Another cool page worth a visit.

Free Webpage Stuff Links

Bravenet Free Web Services Joining is free and with it you get: guestbooks, e-mail forms, voting polls, and more!

Java GoodiesThis place is really cool! For almost any java script you can think of, they've got it! For instance, see the page list thing down the bootom.

HTML Goodies Made by the same people as Java Goodies, this is the place to go if you want to know an HTML code.

Cool Archive This is the best place for most of your webpage needs. Check it Out!

Technology Security Blanket The person here made my award for me for FREE!

Windy's Fashonable Web Designs Backgrounds of all types, shapes and sizes will be found here. This background is courtesy of Windy.

Icon Bazaar Most of my pictures come from here.

Boogie Jack's Free Things More free graphics

Zyris I got my headings from their sample heading creator.
