 South-eastern Australia
Spring is here; the days are warmer, and deciduous trees and plants have formed their new leaves. No time to waste, there are plenty of garden jobs this month. Vegetable seeds such as lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, caulifower, tomatoes and corn; also flower seeds of: pansies, violas, Canterbury bells, dianthus, aquilegia, candytuft, lupins, Iceland poppies, and other spring flowering annuals, may be planted now. That way you'll have a great summer feast for the tummy and eyes!. This is easy if you have a greenhouse, but if not, there are other ways to germinate your seeds. Plant your seeds in an egg carton filled with potting mix. This is great because when the seedlings are big enough you just tear off the portion and stick it in the ground. The egg carton will rot down quickly and your seedlings will not have had root disturbence. If the weather is really cold, place the carton in a clear plastic freezer bag. The bag acts as a greenhouse and wards off those chilly days and nights. Deadhead spring bulbs as the flowers but let the leaves die back naturally. Mark where the bulbs so that you'll know whats growing there next year. Flower and vegetable seedlings can be planted out now, but make sure to protect from frosts. Those rabbits are multipling again, (not that they ever stop) my entire vegie garden has been devoured by those pests. All those in country areas, make sure you put rabbit proof fencing around the seedlings. Also keep an eye out for possums- they love plants too, especially roses. Now is a perfect time to plant most Australian native plants, keep a look out for the new hybrids. Some of them are magnificent! Mulch under your fruit trees with pea straw and leaf litter (not gum tree litter). Fertilise citrus trees with citrus fertiliser. You can plant potatoes now.
Attention! Anyone with basic garden knowledge from any part of the world, if you would like to participate in the Garden Jobs of the Month, e-mail me and we'll work something out.