Recommended Resources for Homeschooling
Compiled by: KLMommybear
NOTICE: I DO NOT HOMESCHOOL OTHER'S CHILDREN! THIS PAGE IS NOT INTENDED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. MY WEBPAGES ARE STRICTLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Disclaimer: The information provided on this web site is for informational and educational purposes. Links to other sites are provided only as a service. These links do not constitute an endorsement of products, services, or information provided by other sites. klmommybear's website is not responsible for the accuracy of information and data provided by other sites. Information taken from this page may not be forwarded/reprinted/distributed without my written permission.
To be a homeschooler, are you willing to:
--spend 24 hours a day with your child?
--really listen to what your child is saying?
--be accountable to God, and husband, for what your child knows or does not know?
--give up an extra income or half an income in order to have a parent at home with your children?
--immerse yourself in learning about the different options available to you, and keep on looking for the materials that will help each of your children learn?
--be an example of continuous learning to your children?
--commit time, money, effort and hard work to teach your children, in the face of possible family opposition and community misunderstanding?
--give up some of the things you enjoy doing for yourself, by yourself while you spend more time doing things with your children?
--teach the subjects you 'hate' yourself?
--change all the attitudes about learning YOU learned in school to meet your kids needs?
--grow in the knowledge and strength of the Lord to become the examples of Christ that your children need?
--put aside the world in all its sparkles and baubles to be home and invest your future in their future?
--accept that your hubby's income will only go so far and be content?
--lay your life (wants, needs, desires) down for another? (your kids)
--get to know your kids?
--work with the strengths and weaknesses of each child and not label them as they would be in 'government' school?
--allow them to follow through with interests that may be inconvenient to you?
--learn not be frustrated with your child's reading/learning schedule?
--form and mold your child's character?
--make a true commitment rather than bail yourself out of a bad situation?
I highly recommend the following books with stars. Some sources for these books are: Nacogdoches Public Library, SFASU Library, Used & New Book Stores, Christian Book Stores, Internet, Homeschool Catalogs, and Support Group Lending Libraries. If you have difficulties locating a book, contact me. I’ve also listed if the book is available at either NPL or SFASU Library.
(Updated info as of 1-14-01: NPL is currently in the process of ordering/receiving additional HS books. This list is not updated to reflect their new additions.)
*Rebecca Rupp’s Home Learning Source Book is newly published. It is a huge resource guide for homeschoolers, and it is from a secular viewpoint. It includes some curriculum materials information, but much more on topics from arithmetic to zoology. Websites, videos, books, audio tapes, games, and other resources are covered. It lists for $29.95. (Mary Pride and Cathy Duffy have Christian versions.)
*Pavlov’s Children by Ann Wilson. A Study of Performance-/Outcome-Based Education. Are we dumbing down our children? Published in 1994. ISBN# 0-9640180-2-0
*Educating for the New World Order by B.K. Eakman. Published in 1991. ISBN#0-89420-278-2
*Homeschooling for Excellence by David and Micki Colfax. How to Take Charge of Your Child’s Education - And Why You Absolutely Must. Published in 1988. ISBN# 0-446-38986-2 (Available from NPL)
*Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto. Strong Words From the New York State Teacher of the Year. The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. Published in 1992. ISBN#0-86571-231-X (paperback) (Available from SFASU)
*The Joyful Homeschooler by Mary Hood, Ph.D. Published in 1997. Christian. ISBN# 0-9639740-6-8
*Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls by Mary Pipher, Ph.D. Published in 1994. ISBN#0-345-39282-5
*The Teenage Liberation Handbook by Grace Llewellyn. How to Quit School & Get a Real Life & Education. Published in 1997. ISBN# 1-86204-104-0 (I've been told newer editions contain at least two letters to Ms. Llewellyn which include some possibly objectionable words/language/subject matter. UPDATED 4-21-00: It is true. I recommend the earlier edition, not the newest one.)
*the unschooling handbook by Mary Griffith. How to Use the Whole World As Your Child’s Classroom. Published in 1998. (Secular, but some contributing quotes are Christian.) ISBN# 0-7615-1276-4
*The Homeschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith. From Preschool to High School, a Parent’s Guide to: Making the decision, Getting started, Discovering your child’s learning style, Finding resources and materials, Creating an effective study program, and much, much more. Published in 1997. (Secular, but some contributing quotes are Christian.) ISBN# 0-7615-0192-4
*“And What About College?” by Cafi Cohen. How homeschooling leads to admissions to the best colleges and universities. Published in 1997. ISBN# 0-913677-11-6
*Hard Times In Paradise by David and Micki Colfax. An American Family’s Struggle to Carve Out a Homestead in California’s Redwood Mountains. Published in 1992. ISBN#0-446-51489-6
*Government Nannies by Cathy Duffy. Foreword by John Taylor Gatto. The Cradle-To-Grave Agenda of Goals 2000 and Outcome Based Education. Published in 1995. Noble Publishing Associates, Gresham, Oregon.
*What Your Child Needs To Know When: A Evaluation Check List for Grades K-8 by Robin Scarlata. Published in 1993. ISBN# 0-89826-044-2
*How to Write A No Cost/Low Cost Curriculum by Borg Hendrickson.
*Learning All the Time by John Holt. (Available at SFASU)
*Minding your own Business by Raymond & Dorothy Moore. Published in 1994. All of their books are excellent. ISBN# 0-7852-7830-3
*THSC (Texas Home School Coalition) Handbook for Texas Home Schoolers. $15.00. Published by the Texas Home School Coalition. P.O. Box 6982, Lubbock, TX 79493 Website:
*Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la by Barbara Edtl Shelton. Published in 1996. New Version will be out later this year. Christian-based. ISBN# 1-887639-03-9 Updated info as of 1-14-01: *Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la by Barbara Edtl Shelton. Latest edition published in 1999. Christian-based. ISBN# 1-887639-09-8. Info here.
*How To Create Your Own Unit Study by Valerie Bendt. Published in 1990. Christian. ISBN# 1-880892-42-1
*The Relaxed Home School by Mary Hood, Ph.D. A Family Production. Published in 1994. Christian. ISBN# 0-9639740-0-9
*The Home School Reader by Mark Hegener. Perspectives on home schooling from Home Education Magazine. 1988. ISBN# 0945097077. (Available at NPL)
*The Home School Reader by Mark Hegener. Perspectives on home schooling from Home Education Magazine. 2nd Edition. 1995. ISBN# 0-0954097-25-5. (Available at NPL)
*The Art of Education: reclaiming your family, community, and self by Linda Dobson. 1995. ISBN# 0945097263. (Available at NPL)
The Home School Resource Digest 1991. (Available at NPL)
The Home School Source Book by Donn Reed. ISBN# 0919761240. (Available at SFASU)
Home Schooling & The Law by Michael Farris. 1990. (Available at SFASU)
Home Schooling Laws in all 50 States by Steve Deckard. ISBN# 1560435151. (Available at NPL)
Home Schools: an alternative (You Do Have A Choice) 1987. ISBN# 0933025106. (Available at NPL)
Home Schools: an alternative (You Do Have A Choice) 3rd Edition. 1990. ISBN#0933205181. (Available at SFASU)
Schooling at Home: parents, kids, and learning by Anne Pedersen. 1990. ISBN#0945465521. (Available at SFASU)
The Home School Manual: for parents who teach their own children 1991. ISBN#0930192257 (Available at NPL)
Tightwad Gazette I, II, III by Amy Dacyczyn. (Vol. I is available at NPL)
I highly recommend the following magazines with stars for homeschooling families. Some places you might find these magazines are: Hastings in Nacogdoches, The Scroll Christian Bookstore in Tyler, via subscription, and some have on-line versions available on the internet. If you have difficulties locating a particular magazine, contact me.
Growing Without Schooling $25 a year (6 issues) John Holt's Bookstore; 2380 Massachusetts Ave. Suite 104 ; Cambridge, MA 02140-1226
*Home Education Magazine $32 a year (6 issues) {This is the subscription price for after August 1, 1999) Home Education Magazine; PO Box 1083 ; Tonasket, WA 98855-1083 Website:
*Homeschooling Today $19.99 a year (6 issues) Christian. S Squared Productions, Inc. ; PO Box 1608 ; Fort Colling, CO 80522-1608 Website:
* Practical Homeschooling $10 for 3 issues (half-year) $19.95 for 6 issues (one year) Christian. Home Life, Inc. ; PO Box 1250 ; Fenton, MO 63026-1850 Website:
The Teaching Home Magazine -- MAY 2002 UPDATED NOTE: THEY HAVE NOT PRINTED AN ISSUE IN SEVERAL MONTHS; HOWEVER, THEY ARE STILL TAKING SUBSCRIPTION MONEY. (April 2003 Update: Still no printed magazine. When they ceased publication I had a paid subscription, but I've never received any of my money back as of 4/4/03.) The Teaching Home ; Box 20219 ; Portland, OR 97294 Website:
HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) $100 per year. ($85 with membership in THSC) Christian. Advocates for Family and Freedom. This organization will keep you up-to-date regarding political and legal issues facing homeschoolers. Also, will provide legal defense for members facing government official challenges towards homeschooling.
THSC (Texas Home School Coalition) $25 per year. (Updated info as of 1-14-01: THSC is beginning to offer legal services. Membership is $85 per year, with a $15 discount if you are a member of a local support group. Visit their website for more information.) (Entitles you to $15 HSLDA membership discount, $10 discount for The Teaching Home Subscription, 3-40%-off educational discounts from CompUSA, $3 off The Handbook for Texas Home Schoolers, free issues of the Texas Home School Review magazine, free-standing issues of the Alert Newsletter, Teacher ID card, and $25 off the National Driver Training Institute $149 driving program.) Christian. THSC is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving and protecting the home school community of Texas. THSC ; P.O. Box 6982 ; Lubbock, TX 79493 Website:
Internet Websites
These are my favorite websites. (On 1-14-01, I updated my HS index webpage. Visit for a more up-to-date listing of my favorite HS websites.
Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
Curriculum Suppliers
There are numerous curriculum suppliers, and space doesn’t allow me to list all. Besides these, one may purchase needed materials from the internet, local book stores, Christian book stores, teacher supply stores, catalogs, library book sales, other homeschoolers, classified ads, and other sources. I am not listing websites for these curriculum suppliers, but many do have websites.
A Beka Book Publications Box 18000, Pensacola, FL 32523-9160 (800)874-3590 Christian. Complete curriculum. Textbooks & Material, Correspondence or Video school, K-12. (They have a representative visit Nacogdoches during April and July.)
Shekinah Curriculum Cellar Excellent! Thousands of items selected specifically for home schoolers - by home schoolers! Both Christian and secular. Catalog has commentary on quality books. They sell everything from ABeka to Saxon to Usborne to Young Scientist Series. Shekinah Curriculm Cellar ; 101 Meador Road ; Kilgore, TX 75662 (903)643-2760
The L.A.M.B Company Full curriculum, K-12. Steve and Kathie Lunsford; P.O. Box 1071 ; 1100 Brookview Dr. ; Allen, TX 75002 (800)646-6485
Saxon Math 1320 W. Lindsey ; Norman, OK 73069 (800)284-7019
Timberdoodle Catalog E. 1610 Spencer Lk. Rd.; Shelton, WA 98584 (206)426-0672
The Elijah Company Catalog ~ Their website is
Christian Book Distributors Catalogs. P.O. Box 7000 ; Peabody, MA 01961-7000 (978)977-5000
*The Scroll Christian Bookstore in Tyler. (I can't give this store's homeschool section enough praise. It is AWESOME!) 2752 E. 5th Street; Tyler, TX. 903-592-0583. New website:
Homeschooling & TV Listed below are some tv shows and channels to use as educational tools. *s denote my favorites. Use an internet search engine to find on-line websites for these. If you encounter any problems, or need snail-mail addresses, contact me.
*Animal Planet
*The Arts and Entertainment Channel (especially Biography)
Beakman’s World
*Cable in the Classroom (Available both in a print-version and on-line. Provides excellent
listings for educational opportunities using television broadcasting.)
*The Discovery Channel
*The History Channel
*The Learning Channel
*Bill Nye the Science Guy
*The Weather Channel
*The Food Channel
© 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 Last modified 3/16/2008