Within these pages you will find
my heart and soul opened wide, in
an attempt to help you see
that you are not alone.
Each of us has had our share
of hard times in our life.
We live through them,
we learn, we grow and we
come out the other side
with a new understanding of life,
a new appreciation for the beauty
that surrounds us, a new way to deal
with people. We have more compassion,
more love and an inner peace.
May you learn, if you haven't already,
that you must first love YOU, before
anyone else can or will ever love you.
Scattered throughout these pages
are poems and stories I've written.
I wrote them at a time in my life
that writing helped me to heal.
I now share them with you.
May you find the inner peace you seek.

These are writings by
Roslyn Jordan
If we are willing
life teaches us to learn
and grow from our mistakes,
to see them as lasting gifts of wisdom
to be shared with others
as we travel along the road of time

Throughout this journey called life
we are all bound,
at one time or another,
to be distracted, confused
or lead astray.
But we must not let ourselves
lose heart, nor quit
but strive harder
to reclaim our paths
and continue on our way.

True victory comes
in those heart-wrenching moments
when the storms of life come along
and threaten to drown our plans
and we, having learned
to weather the storms
find the strength to hold on
and the courage to stand.

Stop and listen closely to life
you'll hear a sweet sound
beyond the noise
so colorful, so full of promise,
like a rainbow you'll find
yourself wishing it were yours
but in time you will discover
that sweet sound is yours,
it's your life song
growing stronger, growing sweeter
with every step you take
the more you sing out
claiming it as your own.

Don't be afraid to let the colors
of your dreams fill your mind
to taste and touch and feel each one
for surely you will find
in due season,
these colors in every shade and hue
will bloom to compose the masterpiece
that others see in you.

Quiet days are special
because they allow us
to be renewed and refreshed within
to see more clearly
where we are going
by allowing us time to understand
where we have been.

In a lifetime there are many phases
which we must all pass through.
These phases are character building
that is what life experiences do
and each phase is just as important
as the one that came before
so with that in mind, journey on
through yet another door...
