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The song playing is one of Craig and Amys favorites, Cannon in D, by
It was played at the wedding by the Woodwind Trio.

May 25,
The ceremony took place at the Womans Club of St.Albans,
St.Albans, WV on May 25th, 2002 at 7:00pm. The Womans Club
is in an old, old house that is in the National Historic Registery.
Its in beautiful condition and just the right place for a small wedding and reception.
"The Happy Couple"

"They look happy, don't they?"
Lavender and white were Amys picked colors. So that theme
was carried through out with touches of other pastel colors.
The ceremony was performed on the front lawn in front of an arbor
which stood in front of a small flower bed of newly planted spring
flowers. White chairs were set up for the guests, which were close
friends and immediate families. About eighty were in attendance.

"Amy, the beautiful bride"
What a pretty dress!

"Their first kiss as husband and wife"
The two are one"............"Rev.Stephen Inman preformed the ceremony."

"Wouldn't you like to know what Rev.Inman is saying?"
Bob, Craigs dad, was best man for Craig.
He shakes his hand in congratulations and wipes the sweat
from his forehead just like a good best man should.
"Congratulations!"............. "Craigs nervous!"
Amy didn't have to wonder who her maid of honor would be,
she only had one choice. Her sister, Autumn, of course!

"Amy and her Maid of Honor"
Amy and Autumn are not only sisters but best friends.
Autumn is just as happy as Amy on this special day.
Amy will be right there by Autumns side on her special day
when that time comes. Sisters stick together!
This picture was snapped just before Autumn gave her a kiss
and headed for the stairs and down the isle, with Amy at
her heels. They spent the night before together at home with
their parents. The four of them reminiscenced, laughed, joked and
cryed. They all got their crying done before the wedding. :)

"The bride & groom with their maid of honor and best man"

"The Wedding Party"
Craigs brother
Jeff, usher...Amys cousin Jared, usher...
Amys sister Autumn, maid of honer...Amy &
Craig...Craigs dad Bob, best man...
Craigs brother Mike, usher...Craigs
brother Pat, usher..

"Jenny, Amys cousin, was the guest book attentent."
These are photos of the actual wedding....

"Jane Ann, Craigs mother, being ushered by her son Patrick."

"Dorenda being ushered by her nephew Jared."

"Autumn walking up the isle."

"Amy coming down the red carpeted stairs to meet
her dad, Jim, to be ushered down the isle."

"Here comes the bride on the arm of her proud dad."

"Too late to back out now..."

"We do!"

"Here comes the Mr. and Mrs."
They did it!!

"Woodwind Trio"
This trio played before, during and after the ceremony.
The music was just
It echoed off the hill in the cool of the evening.
Click the bluebird

to go to the reception!
Just follow Zoe and Annie. :-)