Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 22:46:24
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Paula - 08/03/99 13:21:48
My URL:/Heartland/Trail/1270
My Email:moodswing@multiweb.nl
Name of Homepage: Fairyland
What are You Interested In: snowglobes...webpages...reading

I love the globes you made...you made some pretty special ones for your friends...

Katie - 06/15/99 09:58:25
My Email:cvetec1@aol.com
Name of Homepage: Katie's Place

Hi Boofie, Thought I would take a few minutes a browse around your sites, nice! Gee, I really do like these pages, they are really lovely and inspiring, you do great work! Love, Katie

DeesAngels - 04/08/99 04:10:40
My URL:/Heartland/Farm/4512/index.com
My Email:deesangels@triton.net
Name of Homepage: DeesAngels Photo Enhancements
What are You Interested In: computers, crafts, most of all Family

Beckie, want to thank you for being one of my main supporters..

DeesAngels - 03/24/99 03:06:37
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/4512.html
My Email:deesangels.@triton.net
Name of Homepage: DeesAngels Photo Enhancements
What are You Interested In: Collecting Angels, Photo Enhancementd. Crafts and of corse the internet.

You are doing great on your site. Keep up the good work.

Artist - 02/17/99 12:14:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/flowers4u
My Email:pat1@lightspeed.net
Name of Homepage: Welcome to Artist'd Page
What are You Interested In: crafts and painting

Boofie, checking you out. Looking really good. Takes an awfully long time to load and some pic links aren't working near bottom. But you probably know this already. Keep up the good work. Art

pie - 01/29/99 13:29:20
My Email:squeak11@flash.net

Hi boofie, wow did you have snow,it did look good from my side,lol. did you paint that saw it sure is pretty, and love your little doll she is pretty. you are doing good with your web site's.

Sally - 01/05/99 13:58:27
My Email:sjull630@bright.net

You have a nice site. sh

caroltoo - 11/11/98 03:23:16
My Email:--------------
Name of Homepage: --------------
What are You Interested In: right now, in stamping...next week, who knows....lol

Hi again Boof, What a talented gal you are, not one website, but two, and both are really interesting....with pretty graphics....see ya later....will be back to see your sites again to see the changes....caroltoo

Diane - 10/15/98 22:34:31
My Email:deeangels@hotmail.com
What are You Interested In: computers & pictures

hi i finally made it heeeereeeeee. i really like this site toooooooooooooooo i think better than the other one. you are really doing good i am proud of you have fun and keep it up. love ya and will check aganin later ok???????????????????

pie - 10/13/98 12:48:15
What are You Interested In: sewing,painting,

boofie your page is looking good, the recipes look good will have to try them out.

Artist - 10/13/98 00:23:03
My Email:pat1@lightspeed.net
What are You Interested In: Crafting, sewing, anything fun

Boofie, Your new page is coming along nicely. Hope you are having fun with it. My page says hello to whoever is the e mail name I think. Somewhere, you have entered that name and so it recognizes it instead of Boofie. Thanks for linking my page to yo rs.

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