Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen

Dottie was thoughtful enough to put this together for all of us. It is a delightful list of all sorts of crafts, to make for gifts or even for yourself! Dottie we thank you bunches for this compiling this list, and for sending by email before it was posted on our web site.

This is a very large file. It has been broken down into 13 separate parts for ease in reading and printing. Click on each part to read it.

To print each one you can do it two different ways:

  1. Click on part that you want to read and print. Go to the word file and click on that, then click on print. This will print what is on the screen in the browser.
  2. You can also put mouse at the top of page, where it says what part it is, ie. Part One. Click on left mouse button, drag down and highlight what you want printed. Hit control and c at the same time. This will cut it. Open your word processing program or wordpad and place your cursor on the page. Hit control and v at the same time. This will paste it to the page. Then use the print function.