There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children:One of these is roots, the other wings....Hodding Carter said that.


Come Walk With Us
by Fern Stokes Eller

Come walk with us,

Back through the vista of the years

Which our ancestors knew

We seek the trails where once they trod,

To find the spots where they once dwelt.

And while we search about our hearts,

Read weathered stones,

And turn musty pages of the past,

Their spirits come alive and walk with us.

We learn of them,

Their lives, Their loves, their hates.

And with their knowledge,

Learn to understand ourselves,

For each of them has given to us a past.

We owe them this -

That they shall be remembered for that gift.

"A family tree may wither if no one tends it's precious roots"


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