- TeenCentral.Net
- Share your experience. Find out "whassup" with people you can relate to at TeenCentral.Net, the help-line web site for teens, by teens. Looking for new options, new ideas, new friends? Got a story to tell, a wrong to right, a problem to sort out? You've come to the right site.
- Teens Only!
- A collection of electronic resources just for teens.
- Teen-Scene
- Teen-Scene wants to provide teen a way to keep in touch with what's going on around the world with other teens.
- Teenage Jobs, Careers, and College
- Quintessential Career and Job-Hunting Resources Guide
- Youth Work Links & Ideas
- Youth Work Links & Ideas is a well organized collection of links for youth and adults covering a wide range of youth issues. Well worth a look!
- Puberty 101
- This is an excellent site prepared in a question/answer format by VirtualKid. Topics are divided into three categories: Guys and Girls; Guys; and Girls.
Sex, etc.
- A leader in teen-to-teen sexuality education, SEX, ETC. is an award-winning national newsletter and Web site that is written by teens, for teens, on teen sexual health issues.
SEX, ETC. is the major component of the National Teen-to-Teen Sexuality Education Project developed by the Network for Family Life Education a nonprofit organization that provides resources, advocacy, training, and technical assistant in support of balanced, comprehensive sexuality education in the United States. The Network is based at the Center for Applied Psychology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

PhoneFriend - 222-1141
After School support line for children in the Tallahassee, Florida, area.

Muzik Luvers Online Links
If you like music and jokes, our friend Richard, who is helping out with this site, has created a new page that is worth a stop by!