Kids-In-Crisis is an online resource page for kids and teens, like you, who are having difficult life problems or have questions and don't know how or where to turn for help.

Sexual Identity

On This Page
What Am I?
Types of Sexuality
Online Resources
Telephone Hotlines
Information Resources
Personal Websites
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What Am I?

I am, or think I might be, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender!

If you think that the way you feel about your same sex (same gender) friends or others is different than that of your friends and family, then you should read on.

Types of Sexuality


I find myself attracted to my same sex friends in a way that seems more intense than the way I feel about my opposite sex friends. I notice what the boys wear or don't wear and I like the way they look. I think about them more than I do about the girls. And there is this one guy that really makes me nuts. The way he looks, the sound of his voice and the way he smells he gets close makes me feel like there is electricity going through me. I wish I could touch him and he would touch me like I see the other guys and girls who like each other do.

Let's start out with a definition of the terms "gay" and "homosexual." These terms are often used to describe boys who are attracted to and by other boys.

When a girl is attracted to and by another girl, they can be referred to as gay, homosexual or, most often, "lesbian."

If you feel that these terms fit the way that you feel, then you should not let yourself feel badly about the negative way in which some people use these terms. While being gay or lesbian may be different than some or most of the other people in your life, it means that you are more special than different. The problem is that lots of people just don't understand that!

Great debate exists regarding the origin of one's feelings of alternate sexuality. some believe that you are born feeling the way that you feel. Others believe that our environment, or the things around us and that happen to us after we are born determine how we feel and act. Still others believe that you can choose to be gay or not. The real answer is that no one yet knows for sure.

We at Kids-in-Crisis feel, and this is only an opinion, that whatever you are or however you feel, you are unique and special and that each of us have to learn to love who and what we are before we can truly begin to love others. The very most important opinion about yourself is yours!


A bisexual is an individual who is sexually attracted to and by members of both sexes. A bisexual may be either a boy or a girl and their interests may be stronger for one sex or the other. The esssence of being bisexual though is that are interested in both boys and girls.

Transgender :

A transgender is an individual who is physically one sex, either boy or girl, but inside feels like a member of the opposite sex.


A heterosexual is one who tends to direct their sexual desire towards members of the opposite sex.

Online Resources

Sexual Identity Online Resources
Student Sexuality
Information Service
Hotline References for Medical/Health and Questioning
Youth Action Online A service run by volunteers, created to help self identifying gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and questioning youth. YAO exists to provide young people with a safe space online to be themselves
Pride Net A Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender Info Net
PFLAG - National Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Youth Resource Info for Queer Youth

Helping gay and lesbian teens
find homes in London and Manchester,
England, UK.

Telephone Hotlines

USA National Hotlines
1-888-THE-GLNH Gay & Lesbian National Hotline : Monday - Friday, 6:00 - 11:00 p.m., EST
1-800-347-TEEN GLB Teen Hotline : Weekend Nights Only

Information Resources

Sexual Identity Information Resources
I think I might be gay! This is a great resource! A real must read!!

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