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Safe Sex Information

On This Page
About Safe Sex
What is Unprotected Sex?
Why Do I Need Protection?
How Are STD's Spread?
What Are Body Fluids?
How Do I Protect Myself?
My Partner Wont Use It
Online Resources
Information Resources
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About Safe Sex

No doubt about it, the safest sex is no sex! Assuming that you are not interested in following the safest route, the purpose of this page is provide you with real information about sexual interactions and the ways to safely engage in them. While we attempt to provide you with safety information, once again, the only 100 percent safe sex is no sex. If you do engage in sexual activity, you do run the risk of transferring or contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Using things like latex condoms can help to lessen the chances that you will give or get an STD, but things like condoms are not 100 percent effective!

What Is Unprotected Sex?

Unprotected sex is sexual contact between you and another person without a condom or vaginal shield.  What is sexual contact?  Sexual contact is when you allow your penis, vagina, anus, or mouth to come into contact with another person's penis, vagina, anus or mouth.  Hmmm, sounds like serious stuff, huh?  Well, it is SERIOUS.  Trouble is because of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, it can be deadly serious stuff! 

What Is The Concern About Unprotected Sex?

What is the purpose of protecting myself?:  The purpose of protecting yourself is two fold.  One is to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.  The other is to prevent unplanned pregnancy.  Sexually transmitted diseases can be exchanged between boys and girls, boys and boys and girls and girls.  Pregnancy occurs when the sperm of a male comes into contact with the egg of a female.

Heterosexual (Male + Female) Sex
The use of a latex condom has two purposes: 1) to prevent unplanned pregnancy; and 2) to avoid the transfer of diseases from one partner to the other.

Homosexual (Male + Male or Female + Female) Sex
The use of a condom or vagina dam, is intended only to prevent the transfer of a disease from one partner to the other.  If you are engaging in same gender sex (boy to boy, or girl to girl) then pregnancy is not a concern.

How Are STD's Transferred From One Person To Another?

The transfer of an STD from one person to another is usually accomplished through contact with an infected area on one person’s body or by contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids.

What Exactly Is Meant By “Body Fluids?”

Body fluids consists of blood, saliva, seminal fluid (semen), vagina secretion, sweat, nasal discharge.

How Can I Protect Myself?

The best way to protect yourself, and the only 100% way, is to avoid having sexual contact with another.  Okay, for some that will be what you want to do, for others it won't be what yo want to do.  The next best protection is the use of a latex condom on a boy and a vaginal shield on a girl.

What If My Partner Doesn’t Want To Use Protection?

If your partner doesn't want to use protection, then the very best, safest and smartest thing is not to engage in sexual contact with that person.  They may say it doesn't feel as good with a condom.  Well, tough!  It doesn' feel good to have HIV or AIDS or to be pregnant when you aren't ready for a child.  And don't misunderstand, children are absolutely wonderful!  But not when you are young and in school and don't have a means to support yourself and your child!  And, children require a lot of time, attention, love, time, food, medical attention, time, and money!!!  Really, I have two sons myself.  I love them the most, but I'm an adult, with a career and an income. 

If your partner says NO to the use of protection.  Then the only possible response is no sex!!!

Online Resources

Get help with safe sex problems from these links.

Safe Sex Online Resources
Condoms - Getting EducatedThis site, offered by Condomania, has some, short, very easy to read sections regarding the proper and safe use of condoms.
CondomHallCondomHall is a student volunteer organization dedicated to students and their sexual health. They provide condoms and condom advice/education all year long (summer too). There are even ways to get free condoms. Their safer sex mission is to help prevent unwanted pregnancies, the spread of AIDS, and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases among the student community. CondomHall is the only condom organization that gears itself completely toward students. They even offer FREE condoms with evry order! Buy one pack and get one pack free...ALWAYS! You can order online or through the mail. Students can use their credit cards, bank account, money orders, or even cash! Check it out!!! Sex is often spontaneous...Be Prepared!

Information Resources

Learn More about safe sex from these links.

General Resources
All About SexA good general resource on the topic of sex.
SaferSex.orgAnother very good general resource site.
A Beginner's Guide to SexA personal website containing general resource information originating in the UK.
Condom Use How to Use a Condom A simple to follow guide to the correct and safe use of condoms. CondomsA commercial site with some helpful condom information.
Sexual Intercourse
First Sexual Intercourse "Making First-Time Intercourse Better"
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
The John Hopkins UniversitySexually Transmitted Diseases
ManagingDesireManaging Desire: HIV Prevention Strategies for the 21st Century
The BodySafe Sex and HIV Prevention, by The Body: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource
AboutHealth.comHIV and AIDS

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