Visiting The Chikallas

in Boardman, Oregon- Boardman Community Church

July 3, 2004

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We started our visit with the Boardman 4th of July Parade.  Since Bruce is a volunteer
fire fighter, he drove the ladder truck.  We sat on the street corner at the end of their block
to watch the parade.
The Mulvanny's were there for a bit of the morning since Janet came out to pick up Rachel after
her week-long visit with Anna.
Boardman is right on the Columbia River.  We went to a very windy spot along the river so the kids
could play in the waves.  It was hard to lounge in the sun while the wind blew the sand around, but
the kids didn't want to come out of the water.

There are great climbing trees all around the Chikalla's home.  That's not very good for accident-prone
children.  Colin gave us a bit of a scare when he came in crying after a fall.  Nothing broken though.