Generation No. 1

                Edward French of Thorpe Marieux (Suffolk) England in 1624, was born in England in 1590. He came to America in 1635, in the "Angel Gabriel", which was wrecked in a hurricane off the coast at Pemaquid, Maine, August 16, 1635. He is believed to have taken a coastal vessel to Newburyport, Massachusetts.

          After a residence of about two years in Ipswich, Massachusetts, he became one of the original proprietors of Salisbury, Massachu- setts, 1640, and subsequently made his home there. He assisted in founding The First Church of Salisbury, Massachusetts, and con- tributed liberally to its support. He was Selectman, 1646-1648; Commoner, 1650-1652; Sheriff.

          He was a tailor by trade, and an extensive landowner having added by purchase to the grants given him as a proprietor. He was the third wealthiest man in Salisbury.

Ref: Vital Records of Salisbury, Massachusetts, Noyes Gen.

          1. Edward1 French was born 1590 in England, and died De- cember 28, 1674 in Salisbury, Massachusetts. He married Ann Swayne,daughter of Bennett Swayne.

Children of Edward French and Ann Swayne are:
+    2          i.    Joseph2French, born in England; died June 06, 1710 in
                  Salisbury, Massachusetts.
      3          ii.    John French, born Bef. 1633 in England; died May 04, 1706
                    in Salisbury, Massashusetts. He married Mary Noyes March
                    23, 1658/59.
      4        iii.     Samuel French, born in England, died July 26, 1692 in
                Salisbury, Massachusetts. He married (1) Esther Jackman
                Muzzy. He married (2) Abigail Brown June 01, 1664.
      5          iv.   Hannah French, born in England. She married (1) Corp.
                John White November 25, 1662. She married (2) Deacon Thomas                 Philbrick September 22, 1669.

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