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  • Air 1, The Positive Alternative
    Mt Keb in Sweden with wolf overlay by Rebecca


    Hi I'm jewlbroknarrow.
    Welcome to my page...Please, feel right at home my friend!!...and enjoy yourself...pull up a chair and make yourself comfey..hehe.....*smiles*...(Ler)!!

    Two kids in a swing with wolf faded in background

    Some of the things I enjoy are..
    music, dance, poetry, art and meeting new people.

    So feel free to Email me at jewlbroknarrow@yahoo.com
    in the meantime, check out

    these Other pages,
     unless you have already at the top.
    You find poems, etc. there. My page will always be under construction because I love working on it..big belly laugh!! so be sure and check back later so that you can see the new things put up as time goes by. 
    (grins)..I have music now...Yipee!!!
     thanks to Joey, a good friend of mine!!...
    and to the love and support of all my friends...I love you all!! You all have brought joy and sunshine in my life! Thank You!
    It is always a pleasure to create new things as time allows.

    Thanks for coming.
    Please come back soon and visit me again. 

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    Thank you very much for visiting my web page....SMILE!!!!!!!

    song - "I'm Your Angel"

    Last updated: December 12,2008

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