The Home Page for Thor and Rudy.

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Hi, my name is Thor.

I live in Seattle, Washington and I have a BABY BROTHER.
His name is Legacy Count Rudolph, but I just call him Rudy Kazoody.
This is a picture of my mom (Tia) holding Rudy in September, 1999.

This is a picture of him when he was just a little guy.

This picture of Rudy is when he was 2-1/2 weeks old.

I really love this little guy and you can see more pictures
or Rudy as he grows up. Right now we've got them of him at

2-1/2 weeks.

5-1/2 weeks.

8 weeks.

We'll post new pictures as we take them.

Let's see . . . how do I get all dese colors to line up together . . .
Da hell wit' it . . . C H O M P . . . dere, dat woiks!

A bunch of my bully friends got together and had a party.

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