

My only confirmed connection to this name is my great-great grandmother
Hannah Mary BAILEY
born 1845/46 in Hull, Yorkshire East Ridings.

In 1862, aged 17, she married Frederick JORDAN
and they appeared to settle in the Sculcoates area of Hull. On the marriage certificate, no father's name is recorded for Hannah. Family lore has it that she was the daughter of William BAILEY, prominent citizen of Hull and owner of the then Bailey & Leetham Shipping Line, but that he disowned her when she married below her station.

William BAILEY was born in Thorne, West Ridings in 1815 to Isaac and Mary BAILEY. Later on, William lived at The Mansion in Analby and also at White Hall in Winestead - where I found him as a widower on the 1881 Census. He was deceased himself by 1892 and is buried in the St Germaine churchayard in Winestead.

Interestingly, in the late 1880's Hannah and her family were also living in Winestead near White Hall while Frederick, a Millwright, worked at the Patrington Flax Mills.

So far I have established the probability that William married Mary BADGER and among their children were: Mary Elizabeth b.1845, William Henry b.1846 and Louisa Amley born 1857/58. There is also a Walter Samuel connected to William, also in shipping and a Justice of the Peace in the late 1890's - unknown if he was a son or nephew, as William's brother John was also in the family Shipping business. William BAILEY also had a sister(sister-in-law?), Mary who is listed in the 1881 Census as Mary JACKLIN aged 56, widow.

I have not yet unearthed any reference William having a daughter named Hannah Mary - and in any case that now seems unlikey, given that he had another daughter and son born in the 2 years Hannah could have been (her birth year is estimated by the ages she gave at mnarriage, 1881 census and 1891 census).
Perhaps she was a niece? Or even a grandaughter?

The only birth found that matches, is one for Hannah Mary Bailey born seemingly illigitimately to a seamstress of the same name in Hull in 1846.

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