On the World Wide Web

     Hi! My name is Dale Sines. I live and work in
Killeen, Texas. My family and I have lived here
since 1985. I teach 8th grade U.S. History at Manor
Middle School, part of the Killeen Independent
School District. This is my 16th year working with
middle school kids. Believe it or not, I actually
enjoy my job. Killeen is located in central Texas,
just east of Fort Hood, Texas, the largest military
installation in the United States.

     The purpose of this web page is three-fold. First,
I want my students to be able to connect to American
history related sites on the Internet. Second, I want 
the parents of my students to have access to information
about my classroom and my course requirements. Finally,
I want to share my hobby, genealogy, with anyone who 
will listen. I have been doing family history research
since 1983. Just this past summer, (1997) I published
a family history book on my Dad's family. Not exactly a
million seller, but it gave me a great sense of personal
accomplishment. (Probably because I had been stuck in
the "writing phase" for about eight years.)

     So! Please visit my classroom sites below and if
you are interested in genealogy and family history visit
those sites as well. If you have questions, e-mail me and
I will try to answer your questions. Let me know what you
think about this web site. I welcome any comments and
constructive criticism.

See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.

Visit Mr. Sines' Classroom
Visit my Family History Page

visits since September 30, 2000

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drsines@n-link.com © 2000

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