Clifton High School
Class of 78

Clifton, New Jersey

Welcome Back!
Has it really been 20 years?-GULP!
This page, in time, will provide a wealth of information about the class of 78 and Clifton in general.

If you have any comments, suggestions etc. for this page, you can Email me at:

Hope to hear from you soon!

Class of 78 Email Directory

Reunion News

What exactly did happen in 1978?

Some Clifton links:

Clifton High School

Clifton OnLine Classmates Message Board

Clifton High School Alumi Directory

Mustang Band

Concert Choir

Clifton OnLine

And...for those who have moved far from home and just long for that mouth watering taste...

The White Castle Homepage

Please come back soon and visit! There's still more to come!

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