This is me with my first child, Garrett.
He's 6 now,and has grown quite a bit
since this picture was taken.
The second picture is of me and my daughter Kari, in the summer of 1999.
Only a portion of me is visible. HAHA

And this is my husband Tom. We have been married now for almost 10 years. Tom and I met in college, where I was assigned to tutor him in Calculus as part of my coursework. He still did very poorly in class, but somehow I still think he passed in what was important.

These are my kids in 1997. Garrett was 5,
Kari was 4 and Andria was 1.
They are my life.

Here's a more current one of Garrett. We put a new roof on this summer, and Garrett(the strong man) was a tremendous help.

This one is of Kari, also this summer. We went to a country concert that was held at the fair grounds. What fun!! The kids were actually still happy after 6 hours there!

And last but never least, this is Andria.......after the roof. She got ahold of the chalk for the chalkline. Like a Tide commercial!!

Here is one of my kids at Christmas time. Notice the ornaments on the tree start about 2 feet up. You'll also see our dog Jake in this picture. Recently Jake ate something he should not have, we don't know what it was. There was nothing we could do, and we lost him on August 29, 1998. Some decisions are hard to make, even when you know the right thing to do.

And one more Tide picture.........

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