smile smile

Welcome to My Page
My Name is Becky.

I love to talk. I would talk your ear off if we were on the phone and not the computer. BUT....... you can chat in here too!! The easiest ways to reach me are by email or icq. If you don't have icq, you should, it is an instant messaging system like the ones available on AOL, or MSN, but it is not limited by a server, you can reach anyone, on any server, as long as you know their number. If you want to reach me either way, the links are at the bottom of my page.

This is a picture of the home that my parents (and the three of us kids) built.

click on the image to see larger pic.

This is my newest daughter Laney. What a wonderful baby she is!! She was born on August 18th, and in the picture she's 3 months old.
My Family Pictures

My Kids

Wildlife pictures

Neat Links to Pages of My Friends

Some Things I Like to Do (in all of my spare time)

Read Us, We're Special

These Links work, but the pages are not all finished.
Unfathomable Love

For Parents

If you have a teen, or you chat, you can't afford NOT to read this.

A child's Love is a Precious thing.

Unconditional Love

A little kindness goes a long way.

Special Angels

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook's Love Quote of the Day


You can also send me a direct message if I'm on line.
Just fill in the fields in this message box.
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