This Week's Rant:

Saturday Morning Cartoons . . .

. . . what happened to them?

Archive of Weekly Rants

I distinctly recall waking up early every Saturday morning, as a child, and rushing to the living room to start watching the Saturday morning cartoon marathon. I loved it! All the major networks, and most ever other channel too, had Saturday morning cartoons on. There was "Spiderman", and "Scooby-Doo", and "Garfield", and so on. My question to you: What happened? You know society is going downhill when there are no Saturday morning cartoons.
I mean, ABC has a few on later in the morning, but they're all edu-toons. And those are okay and all, but what about your good-ole, just-for-fun toons? The very least they could do is rerun "looney toons"! Those were great. They were good cartoons, funny, and wholesome. Allow me to tell you the trash on Saturday mornings now.
I woke up early on a Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago, and surfed through all the channels looking for cartoons (I didn't count the Cartoon Network). I saw paid advertisements, weekend versions of morning news shows, and the teen-geared shows like "Saved by the Bell". But, let me tell you what I saw for younger kids. I saw "Power Rangers," a show geared at young children teaching reliance upon bodiless heads and robots for direction and power, all the while infusing impressionable young minds with images of grauitious violence. That's quality programming for you. They make the "Road Runner" and "Coyote" look like they were playing patty-cake. There were large monsters being killed (literally) by a large robot piloted by a few teenagers who had the egoes to believe that the fate of the universe rested in their hands. That's not the only garbage I saw. "Goosebumps," "Eerie, Indiana," and shows like that also aired in the coveted 9 o'clock timespot (I assume it's coveted now...I mean, It was when I was 7). These shows weekly scare children into mindless oblivion by their Godless witchcraft and occultic themes and practices. They are polluting the minds of our children, and quite frankly I'm sick and tired of it.
TBN makes an effort to provide programming for young children, but few children over 8 would find their shows interesting. To TBN, I say, "bravo." Way to go. I have seen videos from various ministries and the like that would appeal to a much larger audience of children and older age groups. "Veggietales," (my personal favorite) and several other cartoons and shows made by BVOV, and CBN looked very promising. But these aren't aired on mainstream television.
I'm not asking for all major networks to air Christian children's shows. What I'm asking for is quality programming that does not harm our children. Is that too much ask? I think not.

Copyright 1998 Casey Petersen. Reproduction in any way is strictly prohibited without consent of author.