Maya's 60th birthday with friends at a Brockton Rox ballgame

By the reflecting pool at the Martin Luther King Memorial

MLK birthplace, 501 Auburn Ave in Atlanta

What we saw at Manassas Battlefield - a thistle as tall as Maya!

What the cats see outside our kitchen window - Cat TV!

Front Porch Halloween 2007

Jack 'O Lantern

Why we LOVE New England

Rob and Jess came to visit in Roxbury

Thanksgiving in Vermont - Kimi, Maya and Marii

Robert and Amy

Korin, Jacob and Neil

Maya and Charles

Steven, Neil, Alex, Jeannie and Amy

Alex Kimi and Amy play for us after dinner

The fireplace

Next day a visit to beautiful downtown Brattleboro

The music lesson - Erin, Dylan, Jason and Grandpa

Opening Christmas presents

Jamie, Dylan and Nathan

Dylan and Jamie

Erin and Roberta

Grandpa and Jason making paper airplanes

Maya works on a paper airplane for Jason

Nathan got Morris the Moose!

Roberta made Shepherd's Pie for supper

Top, Ian and cousin Wren.
Bottom, Ian and friends at his 6th birthday party in September

In Vermont, October '07
Top, (from left), Andy, Daniel, Ian, Kimberly, Ursula, and Gretchen
Bottom, Andy, Ursula, Ian, Kimberly, and Daniel